Angela Costi holding a book.

Adversarial Practice: 6 New Poems by Angela Costi

The Print is Fine and Dandy Upon settlement of what is unduly authorised by Crown and sundry to be the property of said immigrant on said day at said time you are subject to said fees and charges to be …


Invisible Walls: Poetry as a Doorway to Intercultural Understanding

The selection of poems we offer here is written by poets participating in a two-year intercultural exchange program between Korean and Australian poets.

Cordite Poetry Review

Choosing Sides: 7 New Poems by Adam Ford

Dog Day Afternoon! Rom Spaceknight #6 (May 1980) He sits quietly, his hand still warm from electricity drawn out of the single naked bulb that gently swings from the pasteboard ceiling of the small-town garage. The hidden photovoltaic process continues, …


5 New Poems by Mindy Gill

In the Oberoi, Two Days Before My Flight after Frank O’Hara We made all the right decisions. It’s what we told one another. A high-walled garden and uninterrupted air. The mahogany desk you claimed in an instant pens, new pages, …




Tell Me Like You Mean It 6

Once, I was sitting in my therapist’s office, and she asked me the question ‘Why do you write poetry?’ It’s a very good question; one with many answers, half of which I couldn’t articulate here. I responded to her with something like, ‘It helps me to understand my internal environment.’


deScription: Improvisations on the Mid-career Drawings and Paintings of Nola Farman

I. The Limits of Imagination The Limits of Imagination, 1971, 15 x 21cms, ink on paper I hear old Poseidon walks on the water like his feet are backwards fish. I’ve always had this affinity, he boasts in the trumpet …


Choke by Mandy Ord


Notes From Sick Rooms


Porous Walls, or, Why don’t you join me?: Poems from the Future of Health

In Poetry and the Fate of the Senses, Susan Stewart writes that the use of caesura or enjambment ‘bring[s] pulse and breath to the poem itself’, at the same time opening ‘the text to the excentric positions of unintelligibility and death’.



THE END OF MY PUBLIC LIFE I always thought beauty was important. I always hated anecdotes. I only ever cared for power, how I might take it in my hand. I never want to write about my mother. I love …


The Morgue I Think the Deader it Gets: Poems by Carody Culver

The more I think The more I think about it the bigger it gets The bigger I think about it the harder it gets The harder I think about it the sharper it gets The sharper I think about it …


Door of Air: Poems by Morgan Yasbincek

door of air eight of us under this ceiling, seven standing, one supine then four sitting, three standing, one supine, fingers interlocked over ribcage seven people speak between dumplings of quiet, not all of them entered with us some left …


Hardcore Pastorals: Poems by Rebecca Hawkes

so much suckling frothy spittle and grunt


Citations: poems by Lou Garcia-Dolnik

Aubade I am overextended. The poem forgets me but the city says here. Image. Lights unbury the bodies of abandoned bicycles. The river architecting assembly lines of women forgetting their boyfriends. Somewhere a rave I’m not invited to. The distended …


Tell Me Like You Mean It 5

Whenever a half-decade mark is reached, I do feel the impulse to reflect on the past.


Family Mathematics: Continued Fractions

Although they look absurd to us now, continued fractions were once very well known, exactly because they make much easier sense of irrational numbers.


A Special Starch: Poems by Grace Yee

‘A Special Starch’ is an excerpt from a collection that engages with stories told by – and about – early settler Chinese Australians and their descendants, with a particular focus on those who settled in Melbourne and regional Victoria.


It’s Here All The Beauty I Told You About

I am interested in how Westerns (whether they be comics, novels or films) continue to obscure and rewrite the history of North American colonisation and settlement and the anti-Indigenousness that fuels them.


Coupe Portraits: Walking the Damaged Forests of East Gippsland (Gunaikurnai Country)

A coupe is a specific area of forest identified for logging operations under VicForests’ Timber Release Plans. Despite the ecological catastrophe of the 2019-20 Summer bushfires which burnt through 1.25 million hectares of forest in East Gippsland VicForests has not revised its logging plans, in fact two additional Timber Release Plans were approved by the Board of the state-owned company in July and December 2020.


Chewing on a Ruby Passport

2020 Arts Queensland (Digital) Poets in Residence: Featuring Amina Atiq (UK), Ivan Coyote (Canada), Kate Durbin (USA), Nick Makoha (UK) and Jackie Ryan (AUS).


Tell Me Like You Mean It 4

With the glorious task of commissioning writers for a new collection of sincere, heartfelt writing for Tell Me Like You Mean It volume 4, I found it took longer than usual.


Contemporary Chinese Poetry in Translation: The Homings and Departures Project

Image by Wang Yin Homings & Departures is a poetry translation project of the China Australia Writing Centre (CAWC) at Curtin and Fudan Universities, and the International Poetry Studies Institute (IPSI) at the University of Canberra. As worldwide borders close …


Get Ready with Me: 6 Poems by Jini Maxwell

in the record of another time zone / perfection is inevitable – we are waiting
