Morgan Yasbincek

Morgan Yasbincek has published three collections of poetry and one novel. Her first collection, Night Reversing won the Anne elder and Mary Gilmore awards, Firelick was short-listed for the Victorian premier's C.J. Dennis award and White Camel, her most recent collection. was shortlisted for the New South Wales Premier's Kenneth Slessor Award. Her novel was short-listed for the ASAL gold medal award and was highly commended in the Victorian Premier's awards. Morgan has taught creative writing at Murdoch University, ECU, UEA in England and at various community workshops in Australia and overseas. She has also mentored several emerging WA writers' manuscripts. She currently lives in the Perth hills, works full time as a librarian and is continuing with ongoing writing projects.

Door of Air: Poems by Morgan Yasbincek

door of air eight of us under this ceiling, seven standing, one supine then four sitting, three standing, one supine, fingers interlocked over ribcage seven people speak between dumplings of quiet, not all of them entered with us some left …

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