from HUGZ
by Richard Barrett
by Richard Barrett
by Andrea Brady
by Andrea Brady
Marlow One
by Andrea Brady
by Andrea Brady
The Underworld
by Andrea Brady
by Andrea Brady
In the Škocjan Voids
by Andrea Brady
by Andrea Brady
Depth Charge
by Andrea Brady
by Andrea Brady
The Strangles
by Andrea Brady
by Andrea Brady
I Alice
by Jennifer Cooke
by Jennifer Cooke
Sky Writing
by Jennifer Cooke
by Jennifer Cooke
by Jennifer Cooke
by Jennifer Cooke
Carry On
by Jennifer Cooke
by Jennifer Cooke
by Jennifer Cooke
by Jennifer Cooke
End Notes
by Jennifer Cooke
by Jennifer Cooke
for Tim Atkins who reminded me what matters
by Emily Critchley
by Emily Critchley
Working – please stand by
by Emily Critchley
by Emily Critchley
rising from aquifers
by Alison Croggon and Sophie Mayer
by Alison Croggon and Sophie Mayer
Last Year
by Amy Cutler and Edmund Hardy
by Amy Cutler and Edmund Hardy
Slow Bird
by Amy De’Ath
by Amy De’Ath
from Not Without Tree
by Mark Dickinson
by Mark Dickinson
Fantasy Index
by Ryan Dobran
by Ryan Dobran
by David Herd
by David Herd
Trees Not Tending Leaves (extract)
by Peter Larkin
by Peter Larkin
from Becoming
by Francesca Lisette
by Francesca Lisette
clear jams
by Luke McMullan
by Luke McMullan
by Luke McMullan
by Luke McMullan
from Lip Trills
by Drew Milne and John Kinsella
by Drew Milne and John Kinsella
from ‘[of sirens / body & faultlines]’
by Nat Raha
by Nat Raha
iii. (Eris)
by Verity Spott
by Verity Spott
poem for you
by Samantha Walton
by Samantha Walton
Too Weak to Be Modern
by Rachel Warriner
by Rachel Warriner
by Rachel Warriner
by Rachel Warriner
Released: 1 March 2015