Working – please stand by

By | 1 March 2015

In my house I have a dead father and a dog I care about
in my heart house // I mean the dead dog
the thing that cares //
not the man who is not only dead
but only in my dreams // not in fact
though he lost his way from life
a long while ago // found this stupid rip
fell right through the gap

In my house // my head house //
he is not someone I detest
(though you might think it)
he is not someone to pity
(he’s a survival expert)
though he is the first and only
thing to come without
any feeling //
he is in that heart rip
that stupid // It would be better
if he were dead of course
it would // not only for him
the dog & me //
but maybe the dog I cared about
& me maybe could
lay down some memory feelings
if he were at last not somewhere

but probably we wouldn’t.

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