Rory Green

The time traveler promises it all

If there is still a future then we are a part of it. And there we choose names that follow our feelings: I say nice to meet you, I’m Yearning, and you say hi Yearning I’m Hopeful. All creatures do …

Posted in 112: TREAT | Tagged

Keri Glastonbury Reviews Grace Heyer, Panda Wong, Rory Green and Siân Vate

Slow Loris Series 1 slouched onto the scene back in 2018, as a Puncher & Wattmann chapbook series edited by then Newcastle-based (now Bega-based) poet Chris Brown. Akin somewhat to the EP, the slew of titles now accruing on the website remind me of browsing through record bins as an adolescent: Daniel Swain’s You Deserve Every Happiness, But I Deserve More (Series 2, 2019) or Duncan Hose’s Testicles Gone Walkabout (Series 3, 2020) give an indication of the pith and pitch of this welterweight form.

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Launch Title Affirmations

After reviews of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by Arthur Gies, Peter Brown, Jose Otero and Jason Schreier. I am almost overwhelming right from the start. I have enough holes to instill a real sense of mystery. …

Posted in 110: POP | Tagged

Tell Me Like You Mean It 6

Once, I was sitting in my therapist’s office, and she asked me the question ‘Why do you write poetry?’ It’s a very good question; one with many answers, half of which I couldn’t articulate here. I responded to her with something like, ‘It helps me to understand my internal environment.’

Posted in CHAPBOOKS | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


learn sleep learn breath learn yellow learn yoshi learn patience learn winding learn keyboard shortcuts learn flower names learn quiet learn talk learn language learn circles learn shadows learn withdrawal learn preservation learn nothing learn time learn echo learn loam …

Posted in TMLYMI v6 | Tagged

Rory Green Reviews Theory of Colours by Bella Li

Bella Li’s hybrid poetics of text and image are instantly recognisable. Her third collection Theory of Colours follows on structurally and stylistically from her well-received earlier works: Argosy (2017, Vagabond Books) and Lost Lake (2018, Vagabond Books). Here, as with her previous collections, alchemical concoctions of form and genre blend source materials into sequences with a commitment to the surreal and uncanny.

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Rory Green on as Games Literature Editor

I’m honoured to announce that Rory Green will be taking up the helm of Games Literature Editor, and to finally get back to using the online space and capabilities more consistently than we have the past decade.

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GAME Editorial

As we write this, we are living in cities that are both in lockdown. Our days see us bouncing from one device to another, room to room to room.

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Submission to Cordite 102: GAME

A game is an environment navigated by apparent rules and structured by invisible rules. All of these (and the game) can be broken if you know where to look.

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Posted in 97 & 98: PROPAGANDA | Tagged