- 115: SPACEwith A Sometimes 114: NO THEME 13with J Toledo & C Tse 113: INVISIBLE WALLSwith A Walker & D Disney 112: TREATwith T Dearborn 111: BABYwith S Deo & L Ferney 110: POP!with Z Frost & B Jessen 109: NO THEME 12with C Maling & N Rhook 108: DEDICATIONwith L Patterson & L Garcia-Dolnik 107: LIMINALwith B Li 106: OPENwith C Lowe & J Langdon 105: NO THEME 11with E Grills & E Stewart 104: KINwith E Shiosaki 103: AMBLEwith E Gomez and S Gory 102: GAMEwith R Green and J Maxwell 101: NO THEME 10with J Kinsella and J Leanne 100: BROWNFACE with W S Dunn 99: SINGAPOREwith J Ip and A Pang 97 & 98: PROPAGANDAwith M Breeze and S Groth 96: NO THEME IXwith M Gill and J Thayil 95: EARTHwith M Takolander 94: BAYTwith Z Hashem Beck 93: PEACHwith L Van, G Mouratidis, L Toong 92: NO THEME VIIIwith C Gaskin 91: MONSTERwith N Curnow 90: AFRICAN DIASPORAwith S Umar 89: DOMESTICwith N Harkin 88: TRANSQUEERwith S Barnes and Q Eades 87: DIFFICULTwith O Schwartz & H Isemonger 86: NO THEME VIIwith L Gorton 85: PHILIPPINESwith Mookie L and S Lua 84: SUBURBIAwith L Brown and N O'Reilly 83: MATHEMATICSwith F Hile 82: LANDwith J Stuart and J Gibian 81: NEW CARIBBEANwith V Lucien 80: NO THEME VIwith J Beveridge 57.1: EKPHRASTICwith C Atherton and P Hetherington 57: CONFESSIONwith K Glastonbury 56: EXPLODE with D Disney 55.1: DALIT / INDIGENOUSwith M Chakraborty and K MacCarter 55: FUTURE MACHINES with Bella Li 54: NO THEME V with F Wright and O Sakr 53.0: THE END with P Brown 52.0: TOIL with C Jenkins 51.1: UMAMI with L Davies and Lifted Brow 51.0: TRANSTASMAN with B Cassidy 50.0: NO THEME IV with J Tranter 49.1: A BRITISH / IRISH with M Hall and S Seita 49.0: OBSOLETE with T Ryan 48.1: CANADA with K MacCarter and S Rhodes 48.0: CONSTRAINT with C Wakeling 47.0: COLLABORATION with L Armand and H Lambert 46.1: MELBOURNE with M Farrell 46.0: NO THEME III with F Plunkett 45.0: SILENCE with J Owen 44.0: GONDWANALAND with D Motion 43.1: PUMPKIN with K MacCarter 43.0: MASQUE with A Vickery 42.0: NO THEME II with G Ryan 41.1: RATBAGGERY with D Hose 41.0: TRANSPACIFIC with J Rowe and M Nardone 40.1: INDONESIA with K MacCarter 40.0: INTERLOCUTOR with L Hart 39.1: GIBBERBIRD with S Gory 39.0: JACKPOT! with S Wagan Watson 38.0: SYDNEY with A Lorange 37.1: NEBRASKA with S Whalen 37.0: NO THEME! with A Wearne 36.0: ELECTRONICA with J Jones
Kate Middleton
From Television
after A. R. Ammons 24 when dystopia arrives, all the world is sick: television relishes the sickness, the teens, who plummet back to an earth they expect to be irradiated—and it is: yes, earth has bloomed new terrors, survivors who …
Posted in 96: NO THEME IX
Tagged Kate Middleton
Residence: Dwelling with The Shards (an essay)
When S. and I started to talk, the directions were endless, and sympathetic. What passed between us, over coffee and chai, in emails, in text messages, were the names of authors, books, artists.
Posted in ESSAYS
Tagged A R Ammons, Elizabeth Freeman, Jane Bennett, Kate Middleton, Sarina Noordhuis-Fairfax
The Shards
A friend told me she walked the ks with the tome on her back, weight of exhaustive history collection to understand that other ground she traversed I too cross the same ground (but different) sweeping over the surface —and occasionally …
Posted in 92: NO THEME VIII
Tagged Kate Middleton, Sarina Noordhuis-Fairfax
Review Short: Kate Middleton’s Passage
In the prefatory poem titled ‘Lyric’, Kate Middleton writes of ‘Voices torn, / pieced, re-sewn’, a phrase that neatly captures the allusive texture and patchwork procedures of her third collection Passage.
Tagged James Jiang, Kate Middleton
Introduction to Lindsay Tuggle’s Calenture
Lindsay Tuggle’s poetry is uncomfortable to read: the discomforts one feels in reading her work are the very thing that make it memorable. At once immensely personal, ornate, and unapologetically embedded in female experience, it is a style unconcerned with irony or terseness. It is a verse informed by the still-alive alternative histories of the American South and haunted by the Southern Gothic literature that these histories inform.
Tagged Kate Middleton, Kent MacCarter, Lindsay Tuggle, Zoë Sadokierski
for Neddy Furious bright day on which the calendar notation reminds of jackhammers at dawn, the digging of a hole to be filled at dusk: pool of clear sky unsympathetic to such endeavour, the careful mapping of dogged grief onto …
Posted in 84: SUBURBIA
Tagged Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton Reviews Bella Li
Bella Li’s Argosy offers readers a book of real adventure: the adventure of form, and a challenge to our sense of what shapes a narrative. This work is fundamentally hybrid: amid short texts and textual sequences that may be termed prose poems, or micro-essays, or short short fictions, Li intersperses works of collage and photography.
Tagged Bella Li, Kate Middleton
A fin of ice arising out of sky, frigid sea A single turret above belies the monolith beneath The berg advances at the speed of a pilgrim travelling on foot Calved from huger sheets and carved, desolate its drapery, its …
Posted in 72: THE END
Tagged Kate Middleton
Cupped by dirt then buried learning in earth blindness to feel history passing the chimera reads the tracery of the city erupting overhead as Arezzo inhales, sighs Hands reach into trenches dug to lay the city’s new walls and grapple …
Posted in 66: OBSOLETE
Tagged Kate Middleton
Libby Hart Reviews Kate Middleton
For her second poetry collection Ephemeral waters, award-winning poet Kate Middleton followed the course of the Colorado River. The Colorado’s 2,330km journey begins in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Tagged Kate Middleton, Libby Hart
Kate Middleton Reviews Kim Cheng Boey
With Clear Brightness Kim Cheng Boey offers a slim volume that, in addition to addressing notions of place, exile and travel, carries with it a deep melancholy of being written in ‘the lone wastes of middle age’. His explorations of worldliness are welcome, and Boey offers portraits of interconnectedness even as he displays and explores alienation. Moving from markets to Chinatowns, from Singapore’s National Theatre to California’s Santa Barbara, this collection often shows the objects that connect the past to the present, keepsakes available to keepers and gleaners alike.
Tagged Kate Middleton, Kim Cheng Boey
Review Short: Stephen Oliver’s Intercolonial
Intercolonial, a new book-length poem by Stephen Oliver, focuses its attention on New Zealand, Australia, and the sea that lies between them. With sweeping long lines, Stephen Oliver zooms in on the details of place and geology: the poem is full of cinematic pans over landscape, seascape and human history, fulfilling what is often a purview of the long poem in naming the world and its inhabitants.
Tagged Kate Middleton, Stephen Oliver
Scenic Overlook
Stop Go On the road into town out of town, sits Horseshoe Horseshoe Bend, King Bend Bend Navajo Sandstone against Overlook de-silted green and Colorado stripped back from red-brown mudflow A mile over more slickrock and sand pools in late …
Posted in 56: NO THEME II
Tagged Kate Middleton
Wandering through the Universal Archive
One of the sequences produced by the collaborative entity, A Constructed World, renders the phrases ‘No need to be great’ and ‘Stay in Groups’ in a range of media – silk-stitch, screen print, photography and painting. One of the painted versions of the image shows a naked woman covered in yellow post-it notes overseen by a hulking, shadowy male. These figures represent the artists Jacqueline Riva and Geoff Lowe. The image appears again in the form of a photograph and the installation was staged in various places around the world – as if the only way to get the message across would be to subject it to constant repetition in as many different formats as possible. Indeed, a number of the collective’s performances and installations attest to the impossibility of communication – even as these take the form of images that can’t fail to deliver. Avant Spectacle A Micro Medicine Show, 2011, features skeleton-costumed performers inexpertly singing and playing instruments while six knee-high wooden letters – S, P, E, E, C and H – burn like small condemned buildings at front of stage.
Tagged Amaranth Borsuk, Astrid Lorange, Brad Bouse, Charles Bernstein, Eddie Hopely, Fiona Hile, Jessica L. Wilkinson, John Jenkins, John Kinsella, Justin Clemens, Kate Middleton, ken bolton, Louis Armand, Maged Zaher, Marty Hiatt, michael farrell, nick whittock, Oscar Schwartz, Pam Brown, Patrick Jones, Richard Tuttle, Sam Langer, Tim Wright, Timothy Yu, Toby Fitch
Your electric moon breast My black-trunked, gold-leaf slip Fall into flux Dissipate like white plumes You’re especially wild With a strange malaise for more Metallic aches, we moor Ourselves to a daisy, sit two abreast: Brush strokes of willed Grass …
Tagged Kate Middleton, Toby Fitch
South Rim
Conversation, Where’s the river? overheard Beyond, wedging itself further into red rock Skimming the crust or surfing the horizon Soaking the silt-gifting walls Ducking from gulches, from washes, from side canyons Oh—there’s the river A mirage of silver light, parachuting …
Posted in 52: INTERLOCUTOR
Tagged Kate Middleton
The Inaugural Sydney City Poet: Lisa Gorton Interviews Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton is the author of Fire Season (Giramondo 2009), was awarded the Western Australian Premier’s Award for Poetry in 2009, and was shortlisted for The Age Book of the Year in Poetry. This year, she is the inaugural Sydney City Poet.
Tagged Kate Middleton, Lisa Gorton, sydney
Gretel to Hansel My torn blouse and calloused fingers— these were relics of our adventure. Eucalypt leaves that clung in my hair; the long-stale brick of gingerbread. The bandages that wrapped my shredded legs after we emerged from the bush. …
Posted in 47: NO THEME!
Tagged Kate Middleton
Hansel to Gretel It keeps coming, that night in the woods— a strip of light among the trees,and each time the moon a different color. It haunts me too. It’s as if our small theory of happiness had been irretrievably …
Posted in 47: NO THEME!
Tagged Kate Middleton
First: remember it's a foreign country, Your words spun to remind me it's a foreign English fulfilling the promise of years watching white picket fences on TV.
Posted in POETRY
Tagged Kate Middleton, secret cities
I Not really equatorial – in fact not at all, but distinctly northern, and seeming twice as close as the city I call home, houses weatherboard and colourful as beach houses carved in the mountain, sunset soon after 4 (being …
Posted in 11: COPYLEFT
Tagged Kate Middleton
I knew these festivals, these two festivals
An e-mail arrived one morning inviting me to be a guest at the Mildura Writers Festival, the weekend of 1-4 August. I'd been recommended as an emerging writer. We would love to be the first festival you get invited to!! …
Posted in ESSAYS
Tagged Kate Middleton