
SYDNEY Editorial

This time last year, I returned to Sydney after almost two years away. For those years, Sydney had existed for me as a terrible video screen, an occasional and discomfiting image through choppy internet connections; or else, as a perfect …

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Pam Brown’s Sydney Poetry in the 70s: In Conversation with Corey Wakeling

Pam Brown is not only one of Australia’s most prolific and important poets writing today, but also one of our richest archives on the history of late twentieth century Australian poetry. Since this is Cordite’s Sydney issue, I thought an interview with her might evince a valuably multifarious image of, perhaps, Australia’s most speedily shifting poetic landscape.”

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Four Artworks by Kim Rugg

With surgical blades and a meticulous hand, Kim Rugg dissects and reassembles newspapers, stamps, comic books, cereal boxes and postage stamps in order to render them conventionally illegible. The front page of the LA Times, for example, becomes neatly alphabetized …

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‘Xerographesis’: On Poetic Art and the Object in Amanda Stewart and Anne Tardos

Realism seems very S and M in its desires – Amanda Stewart, ‘Poetry Ideas’ What I write, as I have said before, could only be called poetry because there is no other category in which to put it. – Marianne …

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The Inaugural Sydney City Poet: Lisa Gorton Interviews Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton is the author of Fire Season (Giramondo 2009), was awarded the Western Australian Premier’s Award for Poetry in 2009, and was shortlisted for The Age Book of the Year in Poetry. This year, she is the inaugural Sydney City Poet.

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Give Yourself Up

(poem ending on Newtown graffiti) If I do not join       clouds       my attempts of song hit       the roof       line without wings my effort but       she’s crying       conversation leaks damage       & not alone I swig orange       sun ahead of rain it figures       your life planes cuts       across trails spans aerials       I am …

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Submissions for Cordite 38: Sydney extended

Cordite 38: Sydney will be guest-edited by Astrid Lorange, and is due online in May 2012. Out of the goodness of our hearts, and due partly to our own confusion about the correct closing date, we’ve decided to extend submissions …

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Submissions now open for Cordite 38: Sydney

We invite submissions for Cordite 38 on the theme of ‘Sydney’. Given that Cordite was founded in Sydney in 1997, we think that now is a good time to revisit our roots, and what better way to do that than …