- 115: SPACEwith A Sometimes 114: NO THEME 13with J Toledo & C Tse 113: INVISIBLE WALLSwith A Walker & D Disney 112: TREATwith T Dearborn 111: BABYwith S Deo & L Ferney 110: POP!with Z Frost & B Jessen 109: NO THEME 12with C Maling & N Rhook 108: DEDICATIONwith L Patterson & L Garcia-Dolnik 107: LIMINALwith B Li 106: OPENwith C Lowe & J Langdon 105: NO THEME 11with E Grills & E Stewart 104: KINwith E Shiosaki 103: AMBLEwith E Gomez and S Gory 102: GAMEwith R Green and J Maxwell 101: NO THEME 10with J Kinsella and J Leanne 100: BROWNFACE with W S Dunn 99: SINGAPOREwith J Ip and A Pang 97 & 98: PROPAGANDAwith M Breeze and S Groth 96: NO THEME IXwith M Gill and J Thayil 95: EARTHwith M Takolander 94: BAYTwith Z Hashem Beck 93: PEACHwith L Van, G Mouratidis, L Toong 92: NO THEME VIIIwith C Gaskin 91: MONSTERwith N Curnow 90: AFRICAN DIASPORAwith S Umar 89: DOMESTICwith N Harkin 88: TRANSQUEERwith S Barnes and Q Eades 87: DIFFICULTwith O Schwartz & H Isemonger 86: NO THEME VIIwith L Gorton 85: PHILIPPINESwith Mookie L and S Lua 84: SUBURBIAwith L Brown and N O'Reilly 83: MATHEMATICSwith F Hile 82: LANDwith J Stuart and J Gibian 81: NEW CARIBBEANwith V Lucien 80: NO THEME VIwith J Beveridge 57.1: EKPHRASTICwith C Atherton and P Hetherington 57: CONFESSIONwith K Glastonbury 56: EXPLODE with D Disney 55.1: DALIT / INDIGENOUSwith M Chakraborty and K MacCarter 55: FUTURE MACHINES with Bella Li 54: NO THEME V with F Wright and O Sakr 53.0: THE END with P Brown 52.0: TOIL with C Jenkins 51.1: UMAMI with L Davies and Lifted Brow 51.0: TRANSTASMAN with B Cassidy 50.0: NO THEME IV with J Tranter 49.1: A BRITISH / IRISH with M Hall and S Seita 49.0: OBSOLETE with T Ryan 48.1: CANADA with K MacCarter and S Rhodes 48.0: CONSTRAINT with C Wakeling 47.0: COLLABORATION with L Armand and H Lambert 46.1: MELBOURNE with M Farrell 46.0: NO THEME III with F Plunkett 45.0: SILENCE with J Owen 44.0: GONDWANALAND with D Motion 43.1: PUMPKIN with K MacCarter 43.0: MASQUE with A Vickery 42.0: NO THEME II with G Ryan 41.1: RATBAGGERY with D Hose 41.0: TRANSPACIFIC with J Rowe and M Nardone 40.1: INDONESIA with K MacCarter 40.0: INTERLOCUTOR with L Hart 39.1: GIBBERBIRD with S Gory 39.0: JACKPOT! with S Wagan Watson 38.0: SYDNEY with A Lorange 37.1: NEBRASKA with S Whalen 37.0: NO THEME! with A Wearne 36.0: ELECTRONICA with J Jones
Scott-Patrick Mitchell
A Meme Enters The Group Chat
And is met with a laugh react. Is categorised: dank; cursed; fire; WTF. Is propagated onward and into the algorithm. Reshare. Repost. Here, take up space inside my camera roll. Become familiar with thumbprint and doomscroll. Shorthand for apocalypse, for …
Posted in 110: POP
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
The Northern Suburbs
i. North of Warwick Road, The Underworld. We arDe caught in the flux: an Elysium dream. Our torment, Asphodel. The bitumen stretch of a buck, how pay-checks glimmer. MyGov is a dark god, a robo of debt. Inanna catches the …
Posted in 109: NO THEME 12
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
The Capital of KIN
We add a lower case s to the capital of KIN: give body to the body of dancing. Warehouse becomes cathedral. Us, a mass, a mess. The roof lifts to accommodate mirrored balls. Lasers, lights, confetti waterfall. We oft oft …
Posted in 104: KIN
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
1. You, again. Waiting for Paradise, Godot, the new iOS. Marker in the flow. Stream yourself into this. A poem enters, plump with gamespace. Because what is a line if not trajectory. You are moving toward something. If the poem …
Posted in 102: GAME
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
The Mourning Star
The victimization of children is nowhere forbidden; what is forbidden is to write about it. – Alice Miller i. The first star pierces with dead light. Is a dirge. Is you. Is known by how it tugs, draws into. Sight …
Posted in 101: NO THEME 10
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
from over the scarp, fire wind barks: hot is the lot given to us who live in Perth. UV so white it’s like invasion all over again. climate change an explanation that pollies deny, a vain blame game, but proof …
Posted in 84: SUBURBIA
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
the trend is warming split seasons into six from white noise & thought, ungrip. static hiss as heat waves out back from middle of the track. the degrees will rise & climb swooping is occasion : monochromatic arcs dive & …
Posted in 82: LAND
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
OBSOLETE Editorial
‘Obsolete’ can only be neutral or pejorative; it is never a compliment. Even those who value the old, the superseded object or mode, are reinstating it so as to deny that the object or mode is obsolete. I can still use it.
Posted in ESSAYS
Tagged Charmaine Papertalk-Green, J.P. Quinton, Jennifer Clarvoe, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, Simon Perril, Sophie Mayer, T R Hummer, Tracy Ryan
but we still dig
God, we don’t like to complain – We know that the mine is no lark – But – there’s the pools from the rain: But – there’s the cold and the dark. from Caliban in the Coal Mines by Louis …
Posted in 66: OBSOLETE
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
Michael Farrell Reviews Fremantle Poets 1: New Poets
There is an apt awkwardness and uncertainty in all three poets – Emma Rooksby, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, J.P. Quinton – here: in the expression of sentiment (‘Preparations’, Rooksby), in the use of syntax (Mitchell) and archaisms like ‘verily’ (Quinton). All three are skilled poets, but they are new, and there is a sense that they are still trying things out. As editor Tracy Ryan writes, the three are ‘extremely diverse in tone and approach’ and this diversity is pronounced in a way that would be tempered were there more poets in the book. Ryan’s selected poets represent three modes, rather than merely variety itself. This is not a sampler, however, but three books in one, and perhaps not designed to be read sequentially.
Tagged anthologies, Emma Rooksby, J.P. Quinton, michael farrell, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, Tracy Ryan
[from] love is a muscle (an e.p.
…; if you are work, be the work of play; if you are play, be the play of morphine on consciousness; if you are dancing, then, sure, dance, dance, but let the music be loud, the lights bright, the company …
Posted in 46: ELECTRONICA
Tagged Scott-Patrick Mitchell
Kim Young-Moo and Perth
As somebody who was born elsewhere, I can identify with Kim Young-Moo’s Perth poetry. His awe for the Swan River corresponds with an awe that has bloomed through my own poetic tropes. It’s an awe I have seen flourish in the poetry of other West Australian poets, those who I admire or aspire toward. Perhaps it’s the innate love of rivers, a shared ancestral respect for these points where we build our cities.
Posted in ESSAYS
Tagged Kim Young-Moo, Ozko Features, Perth, Scott-Patrick Mitchell