Ellen van Neerven

KRG Poets Award 2022

In partnership with FNAWN, we are proud to publish the winning poems from the 2022 KRG Poets Award. The award honours the life and creative work of Aunty Kerry Reed-Gilbert.

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Fair Trade: a way to RE/order /imagine /code the world

It was August 2017 and the location was The Tibetan Kitchen on Brunswick Street in Meanjin, Brisbane.

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Sometimes, the house is unclean. In this panic I find myself of past and future. When we clean houses we do so knowing that they are watching and our lives depend on it. When we teach our children to clean …

Posted in 89: DOMESTIC | Tagged

Innocent Eyes!: Ekphrasis and the Defiant Multiplicity of the Female Gaze

The male gaze has been discussed at length. The female gaze, not as much. This ekphrastic project is about the latter.

Posted in CHAPBOOKS | Tagged , , , ,

Queer Modes: New Australian Poetry

I did not want to build a falling-down house of rhetoric / Or even one that could stand all the huffing and puffing

Posted in CHAPBOOKS | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,

in this community

Boonwurrung country June 2017 mutual suspicion in this community whitefella owned homes gated & locked blackfella hired house magpie-guarded sugared study afternoons walks on dusk scaling fences & stretching thick-grassed vacant lots trespassing to find the ocean waves eating activewear …

Posted in QUEERING MODES | Tagged


we left crumbs on Country forgot to bring them inside our cushioned seats the photo I took of you is blurry I walked home to a spider on my bed beneath the lamplight the strangeness between us is glowing I …

Posted in FEMALE GAZE | Tagged

Introduction to Jeanine Leane’s Walk Back Over

In Walk Back Over, Wiradjuri woman – read: poet, academic, historian, teacher – Jeanine Leane takes off our wallpaper to reveal the personal and political layers of a nuanced history.

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Water on Water

The music of the water as it coves. We covert each other. Rings from the aquarium gift shop that change colours. Cover of sunlight does not show what happens after dark when the neighbours stone the penguins to death on …

Posted in 78: CONFESSION | Tagged

તરાન પીસાં | Flight Feathers

Translated from the English to the Kunkana (Gujarati script) by Kamlesh Gaekwad અઠ બુહું પૅલિકનાં તે ઓવારાવર ગોળા હુયી જાનુકા  કુટબેના ફોટા જીસાં લાગ? વેટ વાવર આહા તળાવીહુન ત ડોંગરહુદીનાં ઝાડ ત યુધ્ધના દેશ આહા. ઉજે઼ડ ઝીલ સંઘર્ષનાં ગુલાબી ગળાં પરંપરાગત હોડી …

Posted in 76: DALIT INDIGENOUS | Tagged ,

Caitlin Maling Reviews Ellen van Neerven

Poems about food, such as those comprising Ellen van Neerven’s first collection Comfort Food, are often framed in terms of ideas of connection, community, and commonality. Van Neerven engages directly with these ideas, but emphasises their fault lines as much as their strengths. The poem I keep returning to appears early in the second of the book’s six loose sections.

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I want to know what that hawk got in the grass, what it ate alive. Long grass where a Fogarty, a Sandy, a Currie walked Shining for bones, a boomerang’s hand ‘You were the last we expected to do this’ …

Posted in 72: THE END | Tagged