Quinn Eades


When we put out the call for TRANSQUEER we asked poets ‘to explore trans identities not as positions to defend but as modes of becoming and thus ways of being human’ (Joy Ladin, Trans Studies Quarterly, 2016: 640) and ‘to believe that the world is QUEER, or that oneself is, or both, [and that this] is a window of doubt through which all creative possibility comes into being’ (Mark Doty, The Art of Description: World into Word).

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Submission to Cordite 88: TRANSQUEER

TransqueerTRANSQUEER is a call for you to say something that maybe you haven’t been able to say before. It asks you to find poetry in / between lines, binaries and stultifying categorisations; from the life of flesh, from inside the bleating, many-chambered heart of gender and sexuality.

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Phillip Hall Reviews Quinn Eades and Gabrielle Everall

St Ignatius of Loyola is supposed to have said: ‘Give me a boy until the age of seven, and I will own the man’. Well, the Baptists had me for a lot longer than my first seven years, and subsequently, I have lived a most conventional life.

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Queer Modes: New Australian Poetry

I did not want to build a falling-down house of rhetoric / Or even one that could stand all the huffing and puffing

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Today it is raining and I am glad for this falling down house that still keeps the wet out. I write in pyjamas. I write with a mosquito bite on the arch of my left foot. I write with a …

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Review Short: Quinn Eades’s all the beginnings: a queer autobiography of the body

The world can never be understood in quite the same way after having seen Eades’s ‘body’ written into these pages. It is an intimate connection, sometimes an embracing, but sometimes a turning away from that which feels too exposed but still draws the eye.

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I am already dead. Already, I am dead. I am gone. Already, I am gone. You are reading this when I am gone. Dis. Integrate. Already I am earth ash leaf caterpillar, the tomato between your teeth. Already I am …

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