Julie Chevalier

Joel Ephraims Reviews Ashbery Mode Edited by Michael Farrell

The presence of John Ashbery shines over contemporary literature, for many as an enigma, indisputably as a catalyst. Part of the post-World War II wave of new American poetry, his name is grouped not just alongside his contemporary poets but among their literary schools and movements: the L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E school, the New York School, the San Francisco Renaissance, the Beats, the Black Mountain poets, our own ’68ers and J.A.

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This incredible guy, Jay Gatsby, the best, has a friend from Goldman Sachs, another truly great guy, Mr Wolfshiem. Wolfshiem wears the best cufflinks. Human teeth. Everybody looks at them, honestly, everybody. I described them to Ivanka for her accessory …

Posted in 91: MONSTER | Tagged


Big elephant swings his trunk as he promenades along Bondi boardwalk–stripy suspenders holding up his pinstripe shorts, his matching bullseye earmuffs. Little elephant swings his trunk as he promenades– shorts, suspenders, bullseye earmuffs. Big orders a single scoop pistachio in …

Posted in 80: NO THEME VI | Tagged

more work needed to make a dadaist poem

with apologies to Tristan Tzara take newspaper & scissors you’re on your way up the purple mountain sometimes you have to cheat choose an article the length of your intended you know how it is by mistake you sit in …

Posted in 71: TOIL | Tagged


aries desperadoes will welcome a dalliance with a short dark macchiato someone from your fatigued, not to mention jittery, past reappears promote personal relationships by returning glances & loans you know it’s about more than a borrowed book & feigned …

Posted in 68: NO THEME IV | Tagged


after Jubilate Agno by Christopher Smart I testify I was one of only four women going in quest of food by teaching in the boys high school. Consider this: in my first class dwelt thirteen Geoffreys, Jeoffrys or Jeffreys, nine …

Posted in 61: NO THEME III | Tagged

Dominique Hecq Reviews Julie Chevalier and Cath Kenneally

Often, we are immersed in our world as in body-temperature water, treading along effortlessly, unaware of distinction between self and medium. We have to thank poets for splashing water in our faces, for reminding us of the distinction. The splash may also refresh – perhaps move us to stop treading and begin noticing the bubbly and at times murky stream of language in which we are immersed. I thank both Julie Chevalier and Cath Kenneally for their vigorous splash. Take a big breath. We are under water, where strange things happen.

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Review Short: Julie Chevalier’s Darger: his girls

Henry Darger’s reputation as an outsider artist – and the questions of morality lingering around his dark paintings – has inspired recent exhibitions, books, plays and a documentary. Julie Chevalier’s poetic biography Darger: his girls (subtitled a sequence of poems about the life of Henry Darger 1892 – 1973) has come at peak-Darger fever. Chevalier includes an introduction, familiarising us with the debate about what kind of man Henry Darger really was: child murderer, or misunderstood loner? The latter explanation is explored throughout this work.

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Recording Archives: ‘A Way with Words’

For two years, from September 2009 to October 2011, I produced A Way with Words, a weekly radio program showcasing contemporary Australian poetry. In all, 106 episodes (each of around five minutes) were produced. Presented here is a chance to listen in on six gems from the archives vault – some of my favourites, chosen for the most part because they are impossible to find elsewhere as audio. A Way with Words was broadcast weekly by ArtSound in Canberra, picked up by Ozwrite on the National Community Radio Network, Dover Road Radio broadcasting from the Isle of Wright in the UK, 2KRRR Community Radio in Kandos and 3RRR in Melbourne.

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small wondrous emails

roman numeral congratulations     your latest called bodoni     groovier than helvetica or palatino     i can’t wait for a peek at the cover     could you mention my role in the conception     contributors has a z     that prize gossip     i’ll give it 2 u f2f     i wanted to buy wine but …

Posted in 56: NO THEME II | Tagged


in the latticed night, reader, i e-mailed him adventure spreading all over the screen like a cocktail of mexican fragrances these weren’t virgin portals he knocked on in search of adventure all over the screen my swarthy lover needed no …

Posted in 55: RATBAGGERY | Tagged