liam ferney

Q&A with Liam Ferney

Liam Ferney is a Brisbane poet. He works in politics. His collections of poetry include Career (Vagabond Press, 2011) and Popular Mechanics (Interactive Press, 2004). He is a former Poetry Editor of Cordite. Can you describe your typical day at …

Posted in GUNCOTTON | Tagged ,

Knocking Shop

it’s like a Hiroshima of fun then instead of buying scones from the CWA ladies spruiking at Camp Hill State School we turn our attention to the candidates and I remember I collected how-to-votes for Hawke’s second or maybe Ahern’s …

Posted in 47: NO THEME! | Tagged

Glad to be Unhappy

Tell me Martin – I remember the tutorial, (on who? Hewett?) about Stalin’s midnight Mandelstam phonecall, but as the grey sky marshaled troops for another assault on the swollen creeks I did my best to forget public service selection criteria. …

Posted in 47: NO THEME! | Tagged

It’s Time, It’s Time (지금이야, 지금이야)

New Year clocks on over fog valley, temperate Tibetans account for contributions. Suburbs struggle and sweat through a summer scented with mumbles and deceptions. Fat detractors and software spruikers expire, the paddockbashers steam from the load. The thin mechanic massages …

Posted in 44: OZ-KO (HOJU-HANGUK) | Tagged ,

The New Scientist (새로운 과학자)

like a brave flag parading in the slipstream of some desk jockey’s eight start day the miracles of this season ruffle like a party dress or the leaves in the trees that ridge as snug as a favourite collar and …

Posted in 44: OZ-KO (HOJU-HANGUK) | Tagged ,

Children of Malley 2: Vogel’s Gang

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Francois Sagat O’Malley: Glad Pews and the Good Steeple

you don’t always want what you say, or say what you do (do you): Notes of a Warring Class, J.H. Prynne   Lodge the pre-budget ambit claim. Graphs observe their models. The steam rises. The sport of the day’s nadir. …

Posted in 42: CHILDREN OF MALLEY II | Tagged ,

Liam Ferney Reviews Pam Brown and Adam Aitken

Poetry doesn't pay the bills but it does have benefits; claiming your internet and a trip to Melbourne back on tax, for instance. Or the overseas fellowships distributing poets across the globe like water from a sprinkler, as is the case with the authors of the titles under review.

Posted in BOOK REVIEWS | Tagged , ,

the diary is a newstart fraud de art

the diary is a newstart fraud de art & i am just a small practitioner, strings & beans our memories promise us the threat of fresh massacres and stale elections props of the sovereign nation of the self and unending …

Posted in 38: POST-EPIC | Tagged

Millennium Lite Redux

the diary is a newstart fraud de art

Posted in 37: EPIC | Tagged

Liam Ferney Reviews Tim Thorne

History is a con. Every second year undergrad haunting a uni bar knows that. Understanding history is not who did what to whom when, it is how the narrative reflects on the teller and the audience. I Con: New and Selected Poems, the justly deserved retrospective of Tasmania poet Tim Thorne published in a beautiful hard cover edition by Salt, works its playful magic in the fluid space between fact and myth.

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Liam Ferney Reviews Billy Jones

Billy Jones is, by his own admission, 'a recluse in the forest/ with a hardon blissfully alone/ and alive to the fire of cosmic joy' (from 'Riverbank… Extracts'). This is perhaps why, despite seven collections stretched across four decades, Jones has often been ignored by anthologists.

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The Departed

She was to have fled between the gaps in the revolution. But not a moment too soon, or a moment too late, the gates sliced escape like cheddar. In the morning he wondered about the transition. Orbiting across the dawning …

Posted in 31: SECRET CITIES | Tagged

Arcade Fire

cul de sacs of desire excised from the torn corner of a new map cyclone fences rubber embers sick aerosoled on the underside of an overpass bootleg eminem on a tapedeck the moon's bohemian plots a defection insert coins grand …

Posted in 31: SECRET CITIES | Tagged

Sign on the Dotted Line

chase the fishmonger's asthmatic truck clogging the warren's chambers susan sangsters lounging on the hoods of hyundais ajiima lugging cardboard ajashi stoop smoking mild seven‚™ scooter delivery kim chi and pizza boy sideways under a truck a michael bay hero …

Posted in 31: SECRET CITIES | Tagged

Liam Ferney Reviews John Ashbery

At an athletics meet in Salamanca in 1993, Cuban high jumper Javier Sotomayor began his run up with a customary sprint that mellowed into half-a-dozen languid, bouncy strides. His best leap that afternoon was an improbable 2.45 metres bettering his own world record for the second time in six years. After almost a decade and a half, the record remains unbroken.

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Scott Thornton Reviews Liam Ferney

Liam Ferney's Popular Mechanics is a collection of poetry that transforms words into a quick moving train of images and syntax. The author changes tense and pace rapidly and this causes the reader to be somewhat disorientated. At first glance these poems appeared to be jumbled masses of words; the writer appeared to be moving too fast; and the conceits that he builds out of modern Australian life looked far too incongruous and fragile to involve the reader.

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Sweet Child O’ Mine

departure brushes up against you a hurried commuter on the rush hour line it was really something to take part in the hubris a signed deal & a backslapped afternoon digital authenticity drowns out static & we forget how good …


Dulce bellum inexpertis

pull the stitch through and sew the night wounds. the best time for war is while the enemy sleeps. Wilfred Owen of Tikrit breathes freely (not a mustard gas insectoid of trench warfare). they are the nonchalant Knights of the …


Submerged Is the Best Place to Be

Submerged is the best place to be on a hot summer's day: somewhere in the shady corner of the pool, cross-legged on the bottom, blowing bubbles until you run out of air. Submerged is where Tony Soprano's psychiatrist tells him …

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Billy Bragg and the Fight for a New Australia

Thatcherism was the name given to the tide of economic rationalism that swept through Britain in the 1980's. It was a series of, often forceful, policy reforms and social upheavals that transformed the nation economically, politically, socially and philosophically. Musically, the nation was mute. The original f&^k you of punk's first wave, which was quite often only ever protest for protests sake, had all but died. In its place the superficiality of New Wave and the introspection of Goth reigned supreme.

Posted in ESSAYS | Tagged ,

Sultan of Swat

Liam Ferney is an emerging poet based in Brisbane. He spent part of 2002 teaching English in South Korea. His poems have been published in Southerly, Meanjin, LinQ and Famous Reporter.

Posted in 12: TEST MATCH | Tagged

Seoul Survivor

Liam Ferney is an emerging poet based in Brisbane. He spent part of 2002 teaching English in South Korea. His poems have been published in Southerly, Meanjin, LinQ and Famous Reporter.

Posted in 12: TEST MATCH | Tagged


It's an early Spring so They celebrate by naming a new constellation after Damir Dokic ! So what if it'll be obscure in four years they argue, it's contemporary now! And just like Diomedes he turns up at the press …

Posted in 10: LOCATION ASIA-AUSTRALIA | Tagged