Damen O’Brien

Kraken Air

inspired by ‘Kraken’ by China Mieville At the apogee of oxygen where cyan turns to cyanosis and air frays and fritters into space, where metaphysical angels sing and ET friction-brakes his saucer something loses its dispute with nothing and up …

Posted in 115: SPACE | Tagged

The Anatomy Lesson

The bucket of eyes blinks at us. We each choose a bauble, carbuncular, gimleted, unflowered irises, winter buds winking. We draw from the jelly bean jar, jewellery that watches us, observing observers, each to an orb. This is serious work, …

Posted in 111: BABY | Tagged

Eddie Speaks

after Venom, the Movie (2018) I sometimes wonder if I made you up – imaginary friend who will say yes to all that should be no. I sometimes wonder if you sprung from my worst – the secret Id gnawing …

Posted in 110: POP | Tagged


This side of the water-line everything is beetles, on the other, the kingdoms of crabs, all else are sports, dead-end prototypes, and us. The startling dominance of it, the inevitable reordering to the type: un-shucked, re-burdened, the great evolutionary retreat …

Posted in 106: OPEN | Tagged

2022 Queensland Poetry Val Vallis Award Winners

Introducing the 2022 Queensland Poetry Val Vallis Prize winners.

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2021 Queensland Poetry Val Vallis Award Winners

Rich in imagery that is both vividly real and subtly symbolic, ‘Cicadas’ is a lyrical meditation on mortality, transformation and sustenance.

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What is Wrong With the Date?

Go ask the white historians with their shrunken heads, grumbling in their dusty cabinets, or the great collective forgetting, go ask them, spinning in their moral outrage, go lay your hand on Endeavour’s wormy beams, that brought a freight of …

Posted in GUNCOTTON | Tagged

What Animal Could You Beat in a Fight?

a Twitter Found Poem I’m glad you asked. It would have to be small. Maybe an insect. Not poisonous ones. Would I be wearing body armour? Or some kind of stiffened leather? Do I have the advantage of surprise or …

Posted in 102: GAME | Tagged

Egon Kisch Takes The Dictation Test 1934

I do not speak the language which condemns him. My task is to speak the language of this door, the simple words of yes or no, you may enter here, you may not. Behind me Australia branches and the door …

Posted in 97 & 98: PROPAGANDA | Tagged


Help, I’ve fallen in a fatberg and I can’t get out. I have spelunked the greasy caverns of Johannesburg, I have scaled the dripping chasms under Tokyo, I have seen the tallows glowing under Texas, and now I’ve fallen in …

Posted in 95: EARTH | Tagged

2019 Val Vallis Poetry Award Winner

Damen O’Brien is the winner and the runner up to the 2019 Val Vallis Poetry Award, managed by our longtime partner, Queensland Poetry Festival.

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Every day a beetle has its bowl of grass. Every day a nip of mouse is pursed up in the articulated ribs of an Eastern Brown. For each breaking of a Heron’s fast: a nail of Perch headfirst gulleted and …

Posted in GUNCOTTON | Tagged

Ice and Glass

You will be out of reach upon a wafer shelf of ice, crabbing through dreams with bent knees, while the ice snaps and smokes like a fragile simile. But this has not happened yet. You sit with me, sketching out …

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Logical Fallacies of Alien

generalisation Ripley’s first failure was one of generalisation: that one alien’s elemental viciousness could be ascribed to all. gambler’s fallacy that the late acid savagery of subsequent samples was similarly brutal proved nothing. Repeatedly. divine fallacy the Giger-counter leap at …

Posted in 91: MONSTER | Tagged

What We Know About Her

the price of freedom is eternal vigilance – Thomas Jefferson What we know about her is what she gives us freely of her own will, one click wrap privacy policy at a time, swiping across the slate of her life. …

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Winners for the Val Vallis Award for an Unpublished Poem 2018

Run by Queensland Poetry Festival, and named in honour of a distinguished Queensland poet, the Arts Queensland Val Vallis Award for an Unpublished Poem is committed to encouraging poets throughout Australia. 2018 Selection panel: Alison Whittaker and Angela Gardner.

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The Land Becomes A Story I Can Tell

Walking home in the unsteady night fragrant with stars, we stepped through fig mush and the sand wrack of yesterday’s high tide, arguing with the beach and maybe we pierced noisily through someone’s story, webbed ragged in this Quondamooka country, …

Posted in 82: LAND | Tagged

Winners for the Val Vallis Award for an Unpublished Poem 2016

Run by Queensland Poetry Festival, and named in honour of a distinguished Queensland poet, the Arts Queensland Val Vallis Award for an Unpublished Poem is committed to encouraging poets throughout Australia. 2016 Selection panel: Chloe Wilson and Robert Sullivan Winner …

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The sand hangs in a suspended glaze in Abu Dhabi: a silicon horizon, washing down the sky in glaring white. Moted in it, the falcons spiral on dune thermals and salt thermals, and circling higher, the 737s scrape north. The …

Posted in GUNCOTTON | Tagged


The Trilobite’s eyes were chipped calcite marvels that had a million years of ocular dominance and then vanished in a blink. Before the plexus of nerves, there were first lapidary conjunctions of a thousand eyes, polished and re-faceted to new …

Posted in 66: OBSOLETE | Tagged