
Zombie 2.0

We know more about the undead species who have lived in our hearts and dined on our minds than ever before. We have probed into their weaknesses, evaded their tricks and know well of their canny (and uncanny) chicanery. We know these things … because they were once like us. Let us not rest on our laurels. Let us be vigilant and as ready as we can be for the uneasy future that is Zombie 2.0.

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Jacques Derivative: Interrogating ‘John Leonard’

First we must say something about the history of the inscription, “John Leonard”. Australian poetry, that world which is small enough that we can indeed say “world” and not “worlds” when placing it under discussion, is occupied, allegedly, by two …

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Paul Mitchell: International, Interspecies – Welcome Chimps…

The situation became out of hand; no agreed cut off point for percentage of human DNA in an animal could be reached. Various insects and shell-bound molluscs – some of which claimed to have been in government for hundreds of years – also put in claims.

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Paul Mitchell: The War On Cricket

It's now becoming obvious why the Bush administration for most of 2002 delayed military action against Iraq. George W. Bush's cricket loving good friend, John Howard, convinced the American president to hold off and watch the Australian cricket team provide a crucial military blue-print, crushing an undermanned and injured opposition …

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A Message To BardsterTM Users

The BardsterTM community is as you know the largest & fastest growing community on the internet & we have you to thank for that. Since BardsterTM's launch last year poetry lovers have downloaded more than eight billion poems from our …

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