Submission to Cordite 56: EXPLODE

By and | 16 May 2016


Poetry for Cordite 56: EXPLODE is guest-edited by Dan Disney.

[[EXPLODE from ex– “out” + plaudere “to clap the hands”]] the spectacle Oculus Rift the α in their brickveneerdoms howzat Omid Fazal Reza Hamid Leo Lucky Country megafires Maulboyheenner form is never more than an extension of hot pies oi oi oi love a TPP sunburnt big data hot pies colony [[EXPLODE (verb) “to reject with scorn”]]ruddockvanstoneandrewsevansbowenoconnorburkemorrisonduttonetal stop the DeepDream boats not in our Terra Nullius and form is never more than a revelation of owyergarnmate girth by Pacific Solution bleaching the Ω history wars [[EXPLODE (synonyms) shatter thunder kablooey convulse]] amid sapphire-misted mountains tie me razorwire down Buckley’s hope tie me God Save Our Protectorate AlphaGo down form is never more than relaxed and comfortable the singularity Tunnerminnerwait toxic dump [[EXPLODE (antonyms) fizzle collapse implode]] and “only someone who knows how do something with it can significantly ask a name”?

[[EXPLODE (noun) “action of driving out with force and/or noise”]]
Explode: lyrical interference writ loud.

Please submit only once, with a maximum of three (3) poems (visual and concrete welcome) or works of microfiction (500 words maximum) in one (1) document … but first, please read the submission guidelines.

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