Rae White

focused, unfurling

After Jane du Rand’s Thriving: Brisbane Bush Turkeys (glazed and unglazed ceramic pieces, smalti and porcelain tiles, 2023) cowl of yellow necklaces flecked in summer’s gold. there’s negative space of me you’ll never see – my feathers unfurling like mushroom’s …

Posted in 115: SPACE | Tagged

Bad poems

1. It’s fucking odd to know you’re also just another person. Makes sense, I guess. You too drink cold Milo and spill coffee on whites. You too write bad poems and read better ones. You too sing off-key in the …

Posted in 112: TREAT | Tagged

Introduction to Alex Creece’s Potty Mouth, Potty Mouth

Alex Creece’s Potty Mouth, Potty Mouth is a reckless, glorious, grotty revolution. It’s an insubordinate ‘kissyface of cobwebs’ that sticks it to capitalism, heteronormativity and the patriarchy.

Posted in INTRODUCTIONS | Tagged , ,

I Google ‘are Pokémon edible?’ and wonder if I’m a bad person

I don’t know where Meowth’s whine starts and the voices of my brain weasels begin. Sometimes I’m a Poliwag, an over-sharer: small intestines like hypotonic corkscrew on show for all to see. Whenever I go to a polyamory meetup, someone …

Posted in 110: POP | Tagged


Ibis are looking cleaner, snowier when I go on my designated walks. Less plump, more gloss (like they’ve bathed in the very best hair conditioner.) I don’t remember the last time I showered. But I smell like exercise and exercise …

Posted in 103: AMBLE | Tagged

Reverse Reverence

. .. … ….. …… …….. ……….. Reverence …………… Reverse and you and I ……………….. your______[radiant] compass _________omission, only _____ ____I glisten. And _____ ________[glory]___distance_______ we_wander … _________________space [luminous]_____glinting._____span Stars_____connect[ing/ion/ed] ever________and upwards. To roam and_______, gliding ________was only _______ ______in …

Posted in 102: GAME | Tagged ,

Chewing on a Ruby Passport

2020 Arts Queensland (Digital) Poets in Residence: Featuring Amina Atiq (UK), Ivan Coyote (Canada), Kate Durbin (USA), Nick Makoha (UK) and Jackie Ryan (AUS).

Posted in CHAPBOOKS | Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Folio: Brisbane

I first spent time in Brisbane as Poet in Residence for QPF back in 2015. I came up with the following poetic exercises for my 2020 residency, as a way of being there again, if only in my mind. I …

Posted in RUBY | Tagged , , , ,

Wheelie bin

Day softly overcast. Breeze pushing back 8am humidity. Lined up on next door’s rooftop: 8 honeyeaters, 1 kookaburra. Easing the day forward with squabbles, preening & morning-soft banter. At 12pm, clouds shiver & threaten clean laundry. The rush to close …

Posted in RUBY | Tagged

Request // Response

Posted in 97 & 98: PROPAGANDA | Tagged

Winner and Commended Writers in the 2020 Queensland Poetry Festival Val Vallis Award

Helen Lucas has won the 2020 Queensland Poetry Festival Val Vallis Prize with ‘Heirloom’; Sarah Rice wins second prize with ‘My Time in Govie Housing Draws to a Close’ and Rae White wins the Highest Queensland entry for ‘The last …

Posted in GUNCOTTON | Tagged , , , ,

The last tourist

For the birds at Tangalooma, Moorgumpin (Moreton Island) White-bellied sea eagle it was a sight to sea me, bird of pray nip cormorant neck n yank clean off, blood flushing beige sand red, her wedding dress now russet as screams …

Posted in GUNCOTTON | Tagged

Adam Ford Reviews Rae White’s Milk Teeth and Anders Villani’s Aril Wire

Poetry debuts are not necessarily juvenilia. The vagaries of poetry publishing mean that by the time a poet’s first collection is published they often are, at least by some standards, emerging fully formed, able and ready to demonstrate their skill to a willing audience.

Posted in BOOK REVIEWS | Tagged , ,

I’ve got something to say

Will I always be   scowling, cowering up tops of trees under   stars, slumping my shoulders? Will I always be media- frenzied and flung under   palatable rainbow buses? Will I always be   a warning   a cautionary …

Posted in 88: TRANSQUEER | Tagged

The Unaugmented Reality of Transgender Discrimination: ‘Do more, do better’

‘Do more, do better’ is a poem in four parts that explores transgender discrimination through a hypothetical augmented reality (AR) mobile app. The accompanying inked and embroidered art pieces reiterate key themes within the poem using a medium that could be considered an analogue to tech culture’s digital: craftivism.

Posted in ESSAYS | Tagged ,

Do more, do better

1. Trans Shield changes the way you see the world, even if the world sees you differently. Until society catches up, there’s an app for that! Just want people to respect your identity? Pissed at being politely misgendered when you …

Posted in 87: DIFFICULT | Tagged

tweets i never published

there’s a vision of the person    i want to be & it’s not    the type of person  who goes jogging nor the type of person    who dates @_______    for all of their life  #SorryNotSorry coz sometimes i hate your cheekbones    so immensely …

Posted in 78: CONFESSION | Tagged