A Toll

By | 15 September 2022

Buy a rugged lawnmower
to caress domesticated grass.
According to Ibid, I suppose;
but not before we’re runover,
stumped by a snap in our trump quiver.
OK buy the Beamer not to notice
more strung strings = $ for shamus.
You need dopamine. And as matter
of fact, I’ve got it now.

Someone in the C-suite hides the likes
and an influencer lays a hashtag
by a creek to weep.
NAB jumps 365 points on an 11% miss,
because it beats expectations.
He’s got game. He tells all the ladies
it’s not timing the market,
it’s time in the market.
They try to find a filter that says
is he an arsehole or is this a phase?

Don’t mind me, I’m the guy
who delays the upgrades,
hopes he’ll cope toasting the cities
that were supposed to sink but didn’t.
I’ll stick with a term deposit.

Forget the folks who drown. It’s not your fault.
They chose to be born on sinking atolls.

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