Leaving, Are You?

By | 1 August 2012

I’m not an anonymous tip-off
or the cracking up over death.
I’m not easy or the slider
on the machine, I’m not
evidence or the answering tape.
Don’t tempt me!
I’ve seen you around the courts
and terraces, I see your leaves
your turning circle
your dust, all leaves, all gone.
I’m not gone.
I’m not even ticketed.
Neither am I here.
You’ve seen me around
seen me leaving.
It wasn’t easy.
The dust bears tracks.
I was not courted.
I was not circled but
nevertheless I bore
a ticket. Bingo!
It wasn’t evidence
but a demand at the door.
And the door keeps turning
though it’s easy
easy as leaves
turning like jokers
something from the wild
side of the deck.

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