Works cited
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Bolton, Ken. ‘An Empty Space.’ Landbridge: Contemporary Australia Poetry ed. John Kinsella, Freemantle Arts Centre Press, 1999, pp. 58-59.
Chang, Jeff. Can’t Stop Won’t Stop. 1st ed., Picador, 2005.
Christgau, Robert. ‘Adventures In Information Capitalism: Gilbert O’sullivan Meets Biz Markie’. The Village Voice, 1992, Accessed 2 Apr 2020.
Duwell, Martin. ‘Michael Farrell (ed.): Ashbery Mode; David Stavanger and Anne-Marie Te Whiu (eds.): Solid Air: Australian and New Zealand Spoken Word.’ Australian Poetry Review, 2020, online.
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Fitch, Toby. ‘All the Skies Above Girls on the Run.’ Where Only the Sky had Hung Before, Vagabond Press, 2019, pp. 70-73.
Forbes, John. ‘Rocket to Rome.’ Damaged Glamour, Brandl &Schlesinger, 1998, pp. 20.
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