Listening to Maggot Brain for the First Time

By | 28 February 2013

– on a Dodo broadband connection
for ND

Freeways are never exactly that.
Changing lanes with Maria Wyeth
in the rearview like a tail.
The headstones marched around the bend.

The pool where I learnt to swim
offered up to the slipstream,
progress leaving a red dustgrass elegy
where outer suburbs feast
on the outer outer suburbs.

Listening to “Maggot Brain” on YouTube
Eddie Hazel stutters in the streaming.

Standing on the cusp of a night as empty
as that nothingness they ran into
before bridges recorded their history.

Reading the notes
at the back of a semi-scholarly
copy of Henry V
just distracts me like Facebook chat
in the middle of Hazel,
his guitar howl in the night dust,
like a child clinging
to the breast
of a murdered mother.

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