Poetry for Cordite 84: SUBURBIA is guest-edited by Lachlan Brown and Nathanael O’Reilly.
Send us your latest and greatest poems about the suburbs, the immense variety of life therein, and whether your suburban experience is inner, outer, middle-belt, beachside, exclusive, inclusive, multicultural, bogan, hipster or something else together. We want to read your poems about sprawl, diversity, quarter-acre blocks, subdivided living, Maccas, Woolies, drive-through bottle shops, abandoned shopping trolleys, graffiti in alleys, storm water drains, milk bars and 7/11s, kids walking to school, the elderly waiting at bus stops, slow trains to the city, skate parks, footy fields, rubbish-filled creeks, mosques, temples, churches, shopping centers and your first kiss behind the bike sheds after school. Interrogate and refashion those stereotypes about conformity, consumerism, homogeneity and boredom and surprise us with your explorations and excavations of SUBURBIA.
Submit poems (prose, comics, visual, concrete) or works of microfiction (500 words maximum). Read more about submitting to Cordite Poetry Review. Please note:
1. We will only read submissions sent during our official submission periods.
2. Cordite maintains a hybrid submissions policy. This means that the guest editor may invite five (5) Australian and five (5) overseas authors directly to submit to the issue. In addition, the guest-editor will anonymously select an additional 30-35 works from Australian authors and use their discretion to select further overseas works. For each issue, the guest editor does not know the identities of the online contributors (via Submittable) until after the final selections have been made.
3. Simultaneous submissions or previously published material will not be considered. This includes works published in print and web journals but does not apply to material first published on personal blogs.
4. Please place up to three (3) poems in one (1) Word, RTF or PDF document (unless specifically noted otherwise for special issues), with no identifying details in the document itself.
5. We are not able to offer feedback on individual poems.
6. Submissions will only be accepted via Submittable …