By | 1 June 2022


Could have been a beach rat, sacralised
my life by getting a six pack after work and home by nine,
salt king, imagine me, ringing with auroras, most stars
never come up in the end,
we’re most of us pickled, brutish now, Do you belong
to the immortals?
we chuckle to each other,
going to the bar with no bones on, doing death predictions,
we’re trying to be clever but the right answer is ‘it comes for us all,’
someone writes a novel from their own surveillance data
and we pretend to like it, angels mediate our access
to the superhighway, we advocate for a peer-to-peer system, a chain link of fire, antique petals
fall from our eyes to reveal
‘the Real’, I’m not worried, I’m too pissed off
to fear death, ecstasies can miss me, the big bad one needs some guys
to play with ah he’s lonely too, God’s a supportive friend
but pick up a poem and shake it that’s not Him rattling round in there …

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