Jazz Money

some generosities

where does the wind begin and how to make my body fit into the spaces left in the hollowed trees I want to surrender to the clay and ash of this landscape let the paper daisies remember only a song …

Posted in 112: TREAT | Tagged

‘Collective generosities’: Sara M Saleh in Conversation with Jazz Money

Jazz Money is a poet and artist of Wiradjuri heritage creating work across installation, digital, performance, film and print. Money’s first poetry collection, how to make a basket (UQP, 2021) was the 2020 winner of the David Unaipon Award.

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if that ghost is still here come morning

if that ghost is still here come morning brew a hot cup go out walking with the memory of those you couldn’t heal * every night comes with new intention but i don’t know how to read the wind and …

Posted in 103: AMBLE | Tagged

they rise

(after Hannah Brontë, after Maya Angelou) it used to be all white men shit when I turned on the news when I was little it was the same shitty white liberal prime minister shit shitty pauline hanson shit shitty gap …

Posted in 100: BROWNFACE | Tagged