accretion to smuggle

By | 30 June 2008

(The Everyday English Dictionary)
I have stolen things —
bricks an old mortarboard
handfuls of cement dust
smuggled in my pockets

everyone and their cats and dogs
the press of legs
accretions of noise dirt smog
all you knew
longing for something green
or faraway and blue


if there is a hollow
use it
absence is abhorred
makes me fond
is the room full of blondes
and being the only raven
in the middle


fed drop by drop from the cave top
a stalagmite grows
a Moorish song
sung at night
a fire
some smoke
and the dogs barking
at anything that moves


to feed it a number of ways
there is the roasted gecko
ground seeds of the Johannes tree
stolen almonds pilfered oranges
impatient waiting for pomegranates
to fruit its red hips
today I found a secret patch of frogs
singing their cracked song


a pattern emerges from the tile
something blue something green
a history an old story
ancient steam from ancient baths
a carved star falling
from the roof

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