소설을 쓰자 (Let’s Write a Novel)

By | 6 August 2011

Don’t write too long a novel. Don’t write too short a novel. Finish the novel at the right time when it gets a bit boring. Not in the pages of squared manuscript paper but in psychological pages. With the reversal, a little boring, a little puzzling, in the story of any time’s reading. Not a story faithful to any question. With the inside paying no attention to any answer. Find that kind of hero. Roadcasting and indoor audition. Stop the awards ceremony at the moment of stepping onto the red carpet. Shoot another movie if you need more words. Don’t shoot a movie if you need more prizes. Write a poem after you come back. Write a completely unpoetic novel. Put a significant sentence where no one cares if it is or isn’t. Words need to be increased a little, or isolated. Be a period that drops tears even when it is alone. Despise other signs a bit, drink a little and then sleep together. Good? Good! Reserve a good place for a couple who are sick of this kind of conversation to go out. Where else would be good but bed? Don’t worry where to pull off your pants and tuck up your skirt and wear the underwear again if not a bathroom. People are making the place. The place takes the place of people. Space would come into a human being and then slowly become dried. Understand a romantic guy who keeps nostalgia for a completely drained hometown and side with him and then keep your distance. Hold the inside of a moody man with a word. Keep the usual hairstyle of those whom you met in the hospital, nursing home, or shelter. They don’t need much advice. Mixing with this kind of advice, turn it down. Make weakness fit for a salesman and plaster it over him. Plaster over the anus if it keeps coming constantly. If it coughs hard, change the scene, mixing it with the cough. Into drier weather. Complete a character revealing my mysophobia at the conclusion when I come out after washing my hands with my face dirtier and then leave the character alone a little more. Formulate the next plot of an unfinished novel. Go back to your first resolution and then get lost. Or an alley. Or describe a running bicycle as a train, miss it like a station and doubt the motivation as common as a break-up. Announce in advance. Publish a book and to the requests for a publication party send invitation cards to people who do not know why they get the card. Start to write the novel with the dispatch. Start the end of a movie there and finish it there. Be your friend’s father who condemns and misunderstands a sloppy story more than anyone. Strike up a conversation with the friend’s friend and reconcile with him. Add a scene of natural misunderstanding. Having a fist fight might be unnecessary but don’t drag things out too long. It’s too dramatic, so think about the quantity again. In the next novel.


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