Twi | Water Drops

By and | 1 October 2016

with Jonathan Kimberely

the smells of forests come alive
after rain waters the country
clean and lively with winds
to dry it all once again
until new life takes over
from the dead plants that
dry completely brown
and the water goes to another

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if there is no water on country
who will write about it?

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all life needs water
all life is with water
lena is water
water is lena
holy water is water
water is the spirit

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bloodlines are water based
that humans are all family
through waterlines we share
bloodlines with the all-life
with forests and living families
hello brothers and sisters

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water is one big volume
moving across all-life’s connection
in all volumes that we cannot count how many
but if you think this is not true
please tell me how many rain-drops
visited meenamatta since 1803?

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if every raindrop was joined as one
we could all end up as fish

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wind sun water moon
ripples crossing the lagoon
light from the heating sun
making colours with a run
wind on water like a sweeper
spirit holes darkest deeper
looking through its window panes
darkest water when it rains
seeing deep in spirit artery
dark dark water travels country

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dark water

the swans at home
on a quiet lagoon
clap the water cap
with lifting wings
sending ripples on a glide
across the water’s mirror top
that hides deep spaces
as sun rides high
to show new ways
in water windows
in endless journey
trails from light
down into the deep dark
of the water abyss
deeper than the water place
under the lagoon’s bed
where light does not travel
along black corridors
and root canals
where riawarrawa rests
in that spirit home
of dark water

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all shades are in the sky
night’n’day changes play
sky water making shapes
sky-tide of water drapes
clouds of time moving on
cycle travel going home
or simply there for the ride
with the moon and the tide

* * * * *


floating water on the rise
being watched by many eyes
vapourised by brightening sun
travel to the high cloud run
floating water changing shape
like an endless waterscape
until the sun comes again
especially after water’s rain
and cycle cycle all anew
floating water just like dew
rising her settling there
floating water everywhere
until them big clouds cover sun
making thunder like a drum
lightning flashes theatre lights
whipping up its stormy nights
when come the quieter aftermath
celebrate country’s rainy bath
smells of life on watered land
brilliant colours rainbow band
centre sun comes once again
vapourising landed rain
drifting water to the sky
where thunder claps make it cry

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