Note: The ‘inflection point’ on a branch is where the direction of curve outwards changes to the direction of curve upwards, and is usually a play-off between elastic bending and thickening growth. A branch bends continuously even while it thickens and as such the shape of a branch can be seen as a function of time. But any break-off from that branch provokes a compunction of space across a strewnness which wrangles with its proneness before horizon. So, ‘inflection’ in these texts has a more speculative association, not so much with permanent deformation, as with that brushwood matting which surrounds trees or edges out beyond their line. After the break from main branch comes a further twist towards these given-aways’ sense of gift amid a heaping-up of separation. Now tree becomes the agent for which branch appears the source and brush is the locus.
Given brushwood isn’t code for a wrenched thing lying across origin but the inflection of it is forescatter where the young of the year are broken in advance of the trees’ own persistence a cob of green cud spat out by the trees’ specialism to vacate shoulder but recast the forks of surface extending bent matter to the neck of horizon
where roots creep to their edge quota, brush has swept past bed to lie out on jammed marginal rota
any scattering of timber ends in this break perfectly ramified : nothing pans out unless along what little of itself could sift within the collapse-complexion
with breach off-tree
even more world-weight
crutched on sur-
face to margin
For brushwood doubt is not the crackle of itself but what flicker there is in such brittle abandonment’s spite of intricate granting a girdling gives meta-closure, or more openly inflects what brash has bristled from mesh – the fibre of distribution no longer a hollow of the intervals themselves
push from forest
to brushwood,
horizontal graze
Where brushwood trips at faltered roots to re-abrupt them, fold in juxtaposition what is the brittle turn to origin ahead of fuelled despairs mimicking fluent repairs
laid over beds of reliance, reaching for the hatchings’ more shareable (castable) compliance inflected gamut of a terseness earlier than alien, rough intractives on a planet surge to brushwood
where adjacent segments of tree meet their inflection points, their bitter parts waving out the scatter at an horizonal confluence
infinite seriality
lopped rigid
in devotion to a
singled inflect-
ion of gift
traceway through
brushwood beat
of the tread
These deferred tree-limbs inspect the path, smaller ressuscitants in degree of drop with the bind of inflection stay ceased throughout the straying: a spray of unbudded but deep-seated co-emption bare with deserved array towards the horizon’s plain
in binding the evolute of a curve to the given, crossed by the perched sticks of separation respects slightness in any replete defeated choice, the bend itself reseated
what can be screened from floor to be granted at the snick of a broken finger which a detached hand gets to fan out reattaches at full extent only as this joint circumvents its precise severance part
glisters in inflected
quiet of woods
after the break
with crash
the outmapped
lay nestling
in the inflicted
Any exhausted root thin to be codified (re-shed): inflectional stratum wrinkles retrenchment slung post-extant pales of brush no longer billeted on earth shornface but go counter-depleting where cannot be inversely lopped, ie regress to parent stem is the longest offspring weald across the grain of origin
brushwood lacks its own climate envelope, apart from inflection never strains for a saturation by horizon in bunch depletion remains the very sparsity schedule of outreach
benched within the disparate affix-risk of gift, connections not ill-torn but embossed on fallen place to last out (as first fallers) the vertical tides they are tossed from
sword of brush under
broad curve, cure of
branch offset by
cut to branch
The vine round the knotted root sketches a brushwood of outcome, at the dishevelment of origin, pushed over penetrable core at the strike off sapling springy brush laid out to the wire, jutted breast of the depredation such slights are parallel in heap laid out of, weathers of the not were corrosive enough for no veering more than origin
a forest of poor relations but in brushwood stamp of crabby retention: buffer the encroach of a nakedness unable to crouch enough as trunk is to branch so brush is to the contra-fill off aperture, as goes with it stored wary to horizon lacking brush trees could never have unlatched such shutters, just these hit the horizontal plate as traduction let sprawl
tempestible, splinter-
towering, most impassable
but at a shoulder
of smeared clearing
as wedge cast from root
cages margins of the un-
vacancy to within de-
grees of lashwood
Avenues of the dislocation projectively harbour their cross-over, its strewnness a sharper stare than neutral severance alone, scarcer at spread than living the staple to root horizon winded on this faggot hillock aspires no second wound
each angle out of hold now pervious accelerative lattice, the estrangement hollow with after-tangle of inflective array fed to a bundle minus compression, detaches from root but awarded the creep-margin that relies on dis-upright the chips anti-rotate off rendered trees or stand in for a cheaper scurf of the ramification
dissipative reduct-
ion let substrate-
refill be for
brushwood export
Thickly laid over with a new scarcity’s post-quickness as at any finding mean of overgrowth this bides the eventual scene of hold traps exuding brushwood until let go again as the tree of it, dries out a ceiling to the tips a debris of requital protrudes from frame and puts the rap on horizon
rest the decrease poaching brushwood for tracking what re-accustom it rakes to the least fringe at horizon’s edge raggedly severed into lurch of pretext, forward repose leans long into new taperings of dependence: a good-enough soil made scanty ventricle where a mesh-haul of intersecting sticks sucks the pump
limbed for its
barebounds, the tree’s
closely unsprained
fine losings,
indurable sphere
stepped to lending
A brushwood thicket lashed to the open, not taken aback once out of hiding but braced separably for inflection cut universally falls to local devices, the scatter is neat horizon parabolic severed from tube just what intact ramification can’t disuse for cleaving post-jointed by the primary detour of mercy
left packed at site unelbowing until it comes to relay severed joints on junctionless surfaces incommensurate sweep-over tailed by horizon, reproved for terrain but not removed from recoil, the detraction undespoiled in just such a carve across swerve
cover the cleared area while shipping brush off deserted trees, anchorless in vessel to connect the sag in capsized root
scrunted but slouchless
no scrub brushwood but
rubs out from high tree
backwardly out to
acting wrist, each eye-
let rays unmisted
between branch-querk
Ungraded divergence one sole series thing far off at nearest severance to horizon taskable surface ventilates an architectonic of trees in belt as if they couldn’t be paltry enough to thread their belongings on the lateral
radiant cavities cross soils as they build to burrows of twig above it, extrapolate plenitude full in the way of micro-desertions brushed onto reincursion as the obstruct is (a gift at hand) to the claw of torn from root
dark wood’s shortcut to a comparison of ground now such obstacles inflecting less sorely over the same split unseamed, it crashes beyond the rush of it but doesn’t gutter the litter
the part played by trees in separatives of integral way: slighting the scattered chink means stitches mis-sweeping repart the open as at any treeless place, exactitude in ex-branch no longer severely spindling the ground
the crack into one
another’s inflected
postfix of arrival
primed clear of its
rammed facets, what
the ramific spares
Time in joints dejects weak numbers until frailed in brushwood, the whole is claimant about dismembering, a disjunction thrown on the lay-it-from with time for assarts of a world seen from across real extra-inherence on this rootless spur of flightlessness: a meta-order of discharging branch splays for a co-variant of the rooted snag itself
extent of displacement serves as nearness index for the commoning brushed into, dry reeds of horizon: this feature detaches extent but not an outbed bent forwards of the exposure: brushwood is source splay even before its own torso-replay
among the abraded
verticals, what gives
horizon its saltings
arid stir of root
the untying tries for a
woundless rent in horizon
Inflect this second element in surprise horizon: the filigree catastrophe lies wadged before a non-collider beckoning the sprigs of origin blaze off that fork minus handle at its unscorched scar across, bare particulars of forward radiant desertion whose highlights cluster in dissimmersion
unspasmic elan, the leap there is in ramification bridging itself for severed a shiver darting at horizon’s congestion concessionally arrived brusque new mapping in circuit sashes, the lattice of main-tree bereaves field across the lace of nearest dependent shedding, debris tellingly most outlying
brushwood a new door
to old branches
beaten at the threshold
resurges horizon
at once abjection
off tree filament
Grazing barrenness over ruck yet to be closely scarred this way, dropping fineals pluck a disconnection ample enough to be as pliant before the scratch of origin
fledged that the stake-chafer stalked to survival, this most peripheral commission unflattens revival committal to grist impossible to backstring on core tree without expelling the needle-tip just where extreme ramification is ready to mend at jib
our vanguard thrusting itself no further fear than open spires of landing outside the height
strike longwards toss,
bend tip abroad of
the lacks of approach
Precept learnt at a yard of waste brushed by unexpended tips against hard horizon the crushing had already taken place at the gift from root: drift never supinely subsequent once taken for inflection: the sense in which brushwood cast is more internal to trees than own lame root
no mean inlay, how same-side tree radial went out to recombine without distributing its access more hollowly than: awaiting a bind at outspread itself
this divestment is openness throughout quanta of the given-to by adhesion in site of dropdown: that embrittlement will disseminate horizon pre-eschewed comes to ramified flesh what can no longer be found amid vein of tree, new porches elapse to grazing the zone before horizon
cathected from tree
do it well to inflect
harrassed flailings
of gift
lost from the bays of
tree but won for
exploded graft
before origin