Three Slab Five Tallulah: Words and Image by Lucy Holt and Dane Lovett
The minute the hour and the second
hands cannot agree on the one object to hold.
They take off with a totem each and a version.
A Poetics of The Naughty
The word ‘naughty’ is etymologically related to the number naught. Winning, and its relationship to one, along with duplicity and its relationship to two, seem to be the only other similar contemporary instances where a number becomes descriptive of a particular kind of activity. But being naughty is not the opposite of winning, in the sense that winning is being number one.
Ross Gibson and Garry Pumfrey: Small to Medium Enterprise
Who gets so much up in arms, he nearly shits straight on her foot. Now it’s him that’s got a hard-on and is fully hot to trot.
Film of Sound
Electronic art video and interactive works generally prioritise image over sound; this is also the case in commercial culture at large. In Film of Sound, however, sound was chosen to be the initiator – sometimes even the driver – of the text and visual processes at work in the piece. Three collaborators involved are Will Luers (video composition), Hazel Smith (text) and Roger Dean (sonic composition).
HCI and The Muses of Poetry: Calliope Recites Jenkins, Lilley, Langdon and Williams
The Muses of Poetry is one of the current projects at the Research and Development Department of the Institute of Animation at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany, that intends to bring poetry – its emotionality, auditory structures and nuances when words meet elocution – to a larger audience.
BBC Poetry Season: 4 Poem Postcards by Chris Haughton
I did a series of 10 postcards and a poster for the 2009 BBC Poetry Season. Each postcard was based on a classic British or Irish poem to promote the Poetry Season.
Picture Becomes Text, Becomes Writing: Software as Interlocutor
What is required in any type of spell-check writing is an input text, which can be anything prepared in a language a word processing program (e.g., Microsoft Word) understands. Though many approaches are possible, generally speaking an author proceeds by removing from the input text anything that is not an alphabetic character, including spaces, so as to have a block of letters to work with.
4 Artworks by Melanie Scaife
With her new set of oil paintings, 2011 Glover Prize finalist Melanie Scaife leaves behind her dour and wintry Clarice Beckett-like landscapes in favour of something lush and dynamic.
4 Artworks by James Bonnici
These distorted face images hint at the psychology of the represented individuals during private moments. The confined space and harsh florescent lighting add to the claustrophobic atmosphere and help to accentuate the figures’ restlessness. They are a reaction to their constructed environment, repressing their human reality.
Ukulele Ekphrasis: Prudence Flint and Ania Walicz
I play the ukulele now play me what is this why do I do this lawyer tells me next door man plays ukulele now and I hate ukulele what is it why paint now why write me what is going on should I do this should I do me what is what am what am I doing now what is this silly billy billy bunter now eat a pie throw me what is going on said pompous mouse in house that will do me they fight for best better mister turkey they gobble wobble said poetry I can’t stand me
We Are the Pickwicks (extended remix)
There were no childish flights of fancy here – no silly games of ‘pretend’, and certainly no bedtime stories. ‘Not under our roof’, my grandmother would say, rolling her eyes. She often rolls her eyes in that fashion, especially when talking about our neighbours, the Darlings. She did this even in front of Mrs Darling, when she once came over to invite me to an afternoon play session with her three children.
Chair Insider: An Intimate Access in Photo Narratives
Andrew Sayers, director of the National Portrait Gallery, wrote of my work, ‘Trust is an important quality in portraiture. Trust is self evident in Juno Gemes’ photographic portraits’. The portraits published here were created in trust with literary friends.
Re-inscriptions of ‘Aus-lan’
We relate strongly to the way women have, throughout the centuries, found alternative avenues for their voices using different aesthetic forms. Our interest is with words, images, the interplay of verbal and visual languages in art, the role of words as images and the state of ‘silence’ created by cryptic or unintelligible scripts.
Four Artworks by Kim Rugg
With surgical blades and a meticulous hand, Kim Rugg dissects and reassembles newspapers, stamps, comic books, cereal boxes and postage stamps in order to render them conventionally illegible. The front page of the LA Times, for example, becomes neatly alphabetized …
Text Is Immediate: 5 Artworks by Vernon Ah Kee
Vernon Ah Kee’s work is primarily a critique of Australian popular culture, specifically the Black/White dichotomy that locates itself in his work. His text-based installation work reveals and condemns the widespread and inescapable discrimination and racial stereotyping that Indigenous Australians have experienced since European colonisation and continue to experience in everyday life. All images appear courtesy of the artist and Milani Gallery.