Tricia Dearborn

Tricia Dearborn is a Sydney poet, writer and editor. Her latest books of poetry are Autobiochemistry (UWAP, 2019) and She Reconsiders Life on the Run (International Poetry Studies Institute Chapbooks, 2019). Her work is widely represented in anthologies, including The Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry, Contemporary Australian Poetry and Australian Poetry since 1788, and she has been a guest poetry editor for literary journals including Rabbit 31: The SCIENCE Issue in 2020. In 2019, she was a judge of the University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor’s International Poetry Prize. She also writes fiction, and won the 2021 Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize.

TREAT editorial

Why the theme TREAT? Because, as I said in the call-out for submissions, ‘Who couldn’t use a treat in these difficult times?’ Though the word ‘treat’ also has other meanings, which I encouraged poets to explore.

Posted in ESSAYS | Tagged

Submission to Cordite 112: TREAT

Who are you treating how? What gifts are you giving? What terms do you want to discuss or negotiate? Who or what would you like to heal or cure?

Posted in GUNCOTTON | Tagged ,

Family Mathematics: Continued Fractions

Although they look absurd to us now, continued fractions were once very well known, exactly because they make much easier sense of irrational numbers.

Posted in CHAPBOOKS | Tagged ,

Family mathematics

But now the huge trick: continued fractions allow you to go on forever, with infinite nesting, just as we allow infinite decimals to go on forever. — Marty Ross i. Nest if you’re talking children and ordinals I was 1st …

Posted in 102: GAME | Tagged

Everything including the obvious

for Cynthia how can I describe you, my surprise, my unpredictable your mind encompasses multitudes while I am down on my knees squinting at the particular your brain works sideways like a crab but in every direction at once on …

Posted in 88: TRANSQUEER | Tagged

[20] Calcium

A flask is laid on the electronic scale and tared to zero. I start with a small job lot, topped up with smaller and smaller increments. Index finger gently taps the silver spatula’s side, loosing a miniature sheet of fine …

Posted in 80: NO THEME VI | Tagged

Phlegm: a love poem

I’m reading Maggie Nelson occasionally stopping to cough up phlegm in some indeterminate post-fever stage of the flu she’s living on a canal with a junkie boyfriend or that’s how I read it the poems might as well be called …

Posted in 78: CONFESSION | Tagged

Eat My Secrets

peculiar hunger

Posted in 39: ZOMBIE 2.0 | Tagged

Schlieren Lines

imagine you pour a stream of sugar solution into a beaker of water, or pee into a bathtub you see the twining translucent trails as each solution curls around the other, prior to their coalescence? these are schlieren lines my …

Posted in 04: UNTHEMED | Tagged