Natalie Harkin

Natalie Harkin is a Narungga creative arts-based Research Fellow with the Indigenous Studies team at Flinders University (Adelaide), Kaurna Yerta. She is passionate about archival justice, engaging archival-poetic methods to document community Memory Stories, and Indigenous Living-Legacy archive innovations for our time. Her books include Dirty Words (Cordite Books), Archival-Poetics (Vagabond Press), and APRON-SORROW / SOVEREIGN-TEA (Wakefield Press).

Weaving Blankets of Story and Hearts of Gold: An Archival-poetics Praxis

My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer on his fifty-ninth birthday and after a fierce battle with his body and mind, he died two years later. In the face of all odds, he maintained optimism and hope.

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DOMESTIC Editorial

I invited you to lean into this DOMESTIC sphere in all its homely undoing; to rupture the masquerading shape of cosy bliss; to plant seeds and haunt with your words; to unsettle and shape what survival looks and feels like – and you did.

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Submission to Cordite 89: DOMESTIC

DomesticI invite you to lean into this DOMESTIC sphere in all its homely undoing. Use words like beautiful bait to seduce hearts with razor-sharp decolonising intent and rupture the masquerading shape of cosy bliss, as only a poem can.

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Garden Musings

1.  his racism compels an energy that grows me  a garden his Team Australia digs  my shovel deeper his Northern Territory  Intervention layers my compost-pile higher his  Operation Sovereign Borders pulls my  noxious-weeds faster his Forced Closure of  Remote Aboriginal …

Posted in QUEERING MODES | Tagged

మేమిక్కడున్నాం | We’re Here

Translated from the English to the Telugu by Joopaka Subhadra మేము మీ … వైద్యులమ్ కళాకారులమ్ కవులమ్ మీకు చదువు చెప్పే గురువులము , మీ న్యాయ వాదులమ్ మీ సమాచార సాంకేతిక నిపుణులమ్ మీ పారిశుధ్య కార్మికులమ్ , సంగీతకారులమ్ నటులము , మీ మూల దుకాణాల్లో పనోల్లమ్ బస్సుల్ని …

Posted in 76: DALIT INDIGENOUS | Tagged ,

Cultural Precinct

Reflecting on Tarnanthi, a Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art All this creating speaking breathing on Kaurna country demands more than just an acknowledgment of a peoples past present and future, for this place, this space, is …

Posted in 72: THE END |

Ode to PolesApart – Tracking

So-long the old sweet dreams of night breath now trapped in chest-locked-tight all corset-robed and body-probed she swallows back the dread … taste bitter-burning-fear and haunting the terror in her gut forewarning memories on her body etched on fear the …

Posted in PROTEACEAE | Tagged

Harts Mill Projections

Hot February-dark summer’s still Old Harts Mill potent site – then along comes r e a Harts Mill        remnant 19th century flourmill        five stories strong on the banks        Port River       I am small at the wharf’s edge       here      across the water       Kaurna campsites     Glanville    birthplace and home to Lartelare      keeper …

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