Jeremy Balius

Jeremy Balius is an artist and writer living in Fremantle WA. A chapbook of artwork in the This is Visual Poetry series was published in Florida USA in 2012. His art was recently included in The Dark Would: anthology of language art (Apple Pie Editions, UK; 2013). Balius' recent poetry publications include wherein? he asks of memory (Knives Forks and Spoons Press, UK; 2012) and the free-to-download, English/German bilingual chapbook halation assembly kit/der lichthof bausatz (co-translated with Marcus Roloff, self-published; 2012). Through the assistance of residencies at the Katherine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre and the Fellowship of Australian Writers (WA), Jeremy has been writing a debut novel about German immigration to Australia. He looks after Black Rider Press and sings in Oh White Mare. You can see more of his work on Instagram: @blkrdr

Klick: Im Gespräch mit Ann Cotten

Also gut, nun dies: Vor einigen Jahren war ein Teil meines Hirns voll mit kargem, sprunghaftem MAX/MSP, dronenartigem Zeug. Es ist immer noch so. Auf der ständigen Suche (immerfort mehr! Alles, immer!) nach AGF-Kompositionen (ein Pseudonym der Künstlerin Antje-Greie Fuchs … Recherche lohnt sich).

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Click: A Conversation with Ann Cotten

Okay, so now this: some years ago, a portion of my headspace was filled with sparse, glitchy MAX/MSP, droney type stuff. It still is.

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6 Artworks by Jeremy Balius

I’m interested in language as a material of making, particularly in states of formation and cessation. I’ve been working at the crossroads of calligraphy, pre-Renaissance German handwriting and graffiti, while referencing a cursive mode of writing I was taught in school while growing up in Germany.

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Hitunglah Kebaikan Yang Pernah Kau Berikan | Pony Up Your Beatitudes, Homeboys

Hitunglah Kebaikan Yang Pernah Kau Berikan, wahai teman-teman sepermainanku Hitunglah kebaikan yang pernah kamu berikan, wahai teman-teman sepermainanku.      Nujuma dari penasehatku – yang bilang niat itu tak terlalu penting untuk semua yang telah diniatkan – cukup untuk menjelaskan gagasan tentang …

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