서운산 숲 속에 들어왔다 비로소 내 집이다
긴 숨을 내쉬었다
그늘이 그늘 위에 쌓여 있다
가지고 온
몇 줄기 취한 불빛을 놓아주었다 밤이 왔다
어느 나라에서나 자유는 늘 끝에 있었다
백 년의 허접쓰레기들도
하나 둘 놓아주었다
빈 거미줄에 이슬들이 대롱거렸다
세상에는 타율이 너무 많았고 상상이 자꾸 줄어들었다
숲 밖의 바람 일부분이
숲 속으로 머리 숙여 들어왔다
때깔나무 잎새들이 지저귄다
돌이켜 보면
오래전부터 나는 문맹자의 자손이었다
벗어날 수 없는 교착어의 문자지옥에 갇혀 버렸다s
내생에는 땅속 깊숙이
무슨 나무의 뿌리 한 가지이리라
말 없는 홀어미의 송장과
몇몇 고아의 가마니 덮인 새 송장 아래에서
Ko Un (b. 1933) was born in Gunsan, Jeolla Province. Among over 70 volumes of poetry, his major poetry collections include The Nirvana Sensibility (1960), Going to Muneui Village (1974), Early Morning Road (1978), Star of the Fatherland (1984), Garden Verses (1986), Lineage of Ten Thousand Men (Vol. 1, 1987, Vols. 2-26, 2007), Baekdu Mountain 1 (Vol. 1, 1987, Vols. 2-7, 1994), The Dark of Your Eyes (1988), Seon Poetry, What? (1991), Dokdo (1995), Whisper (1998), Poems I Left Behind (2002), and Empty (2008). Going together with the modern history of Korea, the poet has explored, for all his life, the new way of poetic words opening the rebellious spirit of the age in a more vivid and real way than the history book does. He is the recipient of countless literary awards including Korean Literature Prize, Manhae Prize in Literature, etc, and has been nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize. As his poetry books have been translated into various languages, he has appealed to many readers of other countries.