
By | 1 July 1998

A slice – I’ll take it neat. I’ll take it
as a treat for the brethren, a tidy morsel
for their tedious mouths, who tried to tame me
with a stick. Poled (the outboard motor
broken down) for hours through a swamp,
the Okefenokee, surprise party, was it
my birthday? – festoons of snakes, dead friends
materialising from mist, how was it
that I came upon dervishes, that cemetery
on the outskirts of Khartoum? – dust wheel, trance
gyre, a pile of shoes in its center, at the entrance
to a shower, how was it that I came to Dachau,
was sucked down through the body
of a drum, a message of war, Mau Mau
in leopard skins, killers with claws? – a slice,
I’ll take it neat. I’ll take it as a treat
for the brethren…

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