rising from aquifers

By and | 1 March 2015

In the middle of the map they put Medea.
As if to say of the site DO NOT ENTER.
As if to admit how they had provoked her.

HAZCHEM: a warning almost invocation.
Lord of the poison, sacred their mission.
That nuclear familiar wasp-sting of a sign.

She: triangle or angular. She: triangulating
all causes, all histories, all laws and all lines,
infectious connections she chews to the horizon.
Late Old English curs, of unknown origin;
no word of similar form and sense is known in Germanic, Romanic, or Celtic.

rising from aquifers salt ghost vengeful
kinstrife betrayal voices persistent
crying out birth scars here’s your physician

open cut mouth or slickwater microfractures
“reducing friction” right in the womb

take that motherfucker take that kidkiller
white ulcer written on living tissue
skulls in museums labelled in cursive

An utterance consigning, or supposed or intended to consign, (a person or thing)

rape rape rape is an “insult
to our [his] honour” is
to spiritual and temporal evil, the vengeance of the deity, the blasting of

the sticking-of in is the politics
of take, saying “virgin land” saying
peak oil Peak oil PEAK oil does it
malignant fate, etc. It may be uttered by the deity, or by persons supposed

get you hot (like to wallow) follow follow
the shockwaves to swim in poison calling
leak at every turn, shale the safe stuffed
to speak in his name, or to be listened to by him.

In its various uses the opposite of blessing.

sweet raintrickle through earthskin
whisper the dry through
wordmaps cave to cave place to place

serpent blood
pooling in dark/worldthroat
speaking its slow song

living water living stone the upthrust living
nets of whole

you take it in your steely hand
saying “mine”
mine it


sand &


aerial map the veins
break the vessel open
suck out the blood
discard the husk

songtalk lovetouch story
drying leaves in the wind
carcass fell & rot

and yet
still red still hot
lips still singing

shesong snaketongue to
lady’s bedstraw    

all our names lovegiven
all our names soft pretties
& complex experiment
on our            

the nettle of grasp/gasp/rasp/
sap rISing

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