Tea Leaves Stains

By | 1 February 2019

Café sitting teacup drinking
Tea leaves tell a story

You know slavery

Poured through generation eyes
Swirling into existence
With each teaspoon stir
Stirring memories not forget
Wadjbella’s took something

Society slavery here

Like domesticating a cat
Or breaking in a wild horse
the gin needs to serve us
that’s their lot was the
catch cry of the day

mission slavery real

A fine cup saucer lace
For the mijiji white woman
Fancy embroidered table cloth
stained enamel mug chipped
for the nyarlu black woman
station domestics locked in

station slavery existed

Our mothers the tea tray girls
Serving cakes, tea and coffee
White uniform in white spaces
Station house or town tea rooms
But not their space to domesticate

Domestics were slaves

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