Chase Malley: friendly fire

By | 1 December 2010

august earliest
august the first
the morning of
where weeks of
rain makes sunshine
seem an anomaly
blinds glimmer then
phototropic unfurl
to the wall or a torso
banded in shadow
milk settles it yep
perfectly caffeinated
thank you
of the poetry book
sit by the fire read
on as each surprise
lifts like newsprints
luminescent flame
from the page
how many months
later now searching
for the memorable
though unmarked
bergotte reference in
in search of lost time
snippets of news
from another room
is even less reliable
though you know
the stories the pope
apologises the rescue
capsule again hauls out
the last of the Chilean
miners and the present
one about a man killed in
friendly fire how friendly
can fire be you ask

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