Submission to Cordite 116: REMEMBER

By , and | 4 October 2024

How is memory assailed by states, by time, by the formation of institutional practices of commemoration?

Alessandro Portelli once wrote that oral testimonies ‘are not always fully reliable … Rather than being a weakness, this is however, their strength: errors, inventions, and myths lead us through and beyond facts to their meaning’.

What are the bigger truths beyond facticity and how is the present enriched and unsettled by what we REMEMBER?

This podcast sheds some insight on how Cordite Poetry Review (and Cordite Books) works.

Submission to Cordite 116: REMEMBER closes 11.59pm Melbourne time 5 January 2025.

Please note:

  1. The guest editor(s) has sovereign selection choice for all poems submitted.
  2. Masthead editors will also contribute to the issue.
  3. We will only read submissions sent during our official submission periods.
  4. Please place up to three (3) poems in one (1) Word, RTF or PDF document (unless specifically noted otherwise for special issues), with no identifying details in the document itself.
  5. We are not able to offer feedback on individual poems.
  6. Submissions will only be accepted via Submittable …


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