Paul Venzo

Paul Venzo is a poet, scholar and teacher. He has published widely across twenty years of academic work, in areas such as children’s literature, new media and queer studies. Recently, his creative practice and research has focused on Venice and the Veneto, investigating his relationship to the literary, cultural and historical contexts of this region of north-eastern Italy. In July 2016 he will return to the Fondazione Cini in Venice as a visiting scholar, where he will continue his research on the connection between poetry and map-making of the 1400 and 1500s.

(Self)Translation and the Poetry of the ‘In-between’

The subject and practice of translation has long been a feature of my poetry. It is a way of enacting bilingualism; the splitting and doubling of words, ideas, images and meanings that comes about in the processes of translation reflects my identity as someone who is in constant movement between cultures, split and doubled by my twin allegiances to different languages and places. In particular, I am interested in exploring my own practice of self-translation, to more fully understand the relationship between my poetic practice of writing across English and Italian and my subjectivity.

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