A nice slice of shredder

By | 1 January 2004

Helen, publishing a number of reporters,
saw her dream turned into reality
a page at a time.

At once
her castigation of the huge-budget
was described as
a 'most-vivid film experience'.
At the same time asking film critic cabinet minister
intellectuals about the rights or wrongs
of free speech
was like asking the Boston strangler.

In the next month of national publicity,
one of the subsequent military strong opinions
featured women in neck massage.

At the copyright notice
the movie critic's job died suddenly and
Mutability which came from a poem by
York station, caught the eye of
Commons Wilder who commented that
ecological pollution, the
performance art, photocopies
Contemporary Art in 1986.

An outspoken opponent
defected to television,
parliament and fashion.
The html version of this
banned her from its screenings

and another of Helen's works,
Viral Queene Of Mutability,
won a substantial majority
proudly powered by subscribe me.

Today, a gallery with the smell of
talk about Helen's own body
with viral semi-retirement
of desires and pleasures,
proposed a law prohibiting sale.

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