Courtly Love

By | 1 June 2013

Song of the troubadour, dance of the happy shades
mid-saggital cut-away of the Palatine Uvula
catalogue of all catalogues includes Lufthansa
treachery, the Alphabet murderer’s citational
liquidation. Not quite revealing the thing
that offends you, the impossibility of saying it all
become observant, noting the self to pieces,
hallucinatory parity exceeds inflight metabolism
indexed to the absence of its own gelatin, another
anecdote splintered whilst licking a filing cabinet
raconteur craving the post-aniseed Romantics. Sang-froid
means ‘how to summon the shiver’. Ice connotes
the distance between the object. Throwing a shoe
whilst unsocking the Woman constitutes an infinite
number of men in the shape of punctuation,
tends to make the negation shift.
Fretworked birds cause rhythmic bulges,
utterly without aperture, the number that counted itself
so plain, so poorly made———————————————
Axiom sucking itself to the bone.

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