Poetry Suppressed by News | Puisi Tertindas Berita

By and | 4 November 2012

Poetry Suppressed by News

There’s a crock-pot inside me. Something always cooking
Its inner walls blistering thinner and thinner
Fire. You roast me with self-concealment

Temptations of friendship always arrive early in the morning
I am wont to embrace. Only to be shunted aside a list of interviews
News. News in a rush to be written. No time to wait

Whining will definitely drag out bedtime
But even the best-managed households have yet to be evaluated
Seeming instead to fall apart on the streets every day

I see that a heap of news fills my saucepan
The lighted stove scorches all feeling
Broadcast formulae crowd my mind.

Awareness. You say awareness will help
But it seems the entire country is pressing in on my fading years.
My children’s mouths are agape. Mouths always begging for something.

Puisi Tertindas Berita

Ada belanga dalam diri. Selalu bergolak
Dindingnya melepuh semakin tipis
Api. Kau panggang aku dengan ketertutupan diri

Rayuan pertemanan selalu datang di awal pagi
Ingin kurangkul. Tapi tertepis segala daftar wawancara
Berita. Berita tergesa ditulis. Tak ada waktu menunggu

Kecengengan pasti memperlama masa tidur
Sementara tangga tertinggi belum terukur
Seakan terbelah diri di jalan-jalan setiap hari

Seonggok berita kulihat memenuhi panci
Kompor menyala menghanguskan keharuan
Rumus berita merangkul kepala

Kesadaran. Katamu kesadaran akan membantu
Tapi tanah seakan menjepit usia kuningku
Anak-anak menganga. Mulutnya terus meminta segala.

English translation by Deborah Cole

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