103 Product Searches for Poetry …

By | 1 August 2010

POETRY SEARCH (PART 3): 103 Product Searches for Poetry Characterized Differently by an Assortment of Commonly Associated Adjectives

Task: Search for the word “poetry” preceded by various adjectives that are often used in conjunction with it.

Technique: The images of these products are obtained by saving the image of the first product listed after having performed a product search for the word “poetry” preceded by an adjective. In every case, the words are paired together and placed between quotation marks. Example: “good poetry”. The monetary value listed for each product reflects the price of the product as listed on the site from where the image of the product was taken.

Location: Astoria, New York, USA (40.766193,-73.918376)

Duration of Search: 3:09 pm – 6:22 pm

Date of Search: May 30, 2010

Search Engine: Google Product Search (Beta)

Browser: Safari 4.0.5

Outcome: 87 Searches yielded results, while 16 searches “did not match any products.”

Result Organization System: Alphabetic

Searches not matching products:

    conceptualist poetry (did not match any products)

    confessionalist poetry (did not match any products)

    expensive poetry (did not match any products)

    flarf poetry (did not match any products)

    gurlesque poetry (did not match any products)

    hypertextual poetry (did not match any products)

    infamous poetry (did not match any products)

    least favorite poetry (did not match any products)

    neoformalist poetry (did not match any products)

    oulipo poetry (did not match any products)

    projectivist poetry (did not match any products)

    quietist poetry (did not match any products)

    trendy poetry (did not match any products)

    uncreative poetry (did not match any products)

    unpopular poetry (did not match any products)

    vispo poetry (did not match any products)

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