Bernie Malley: Blu-ray Morpheus

By | 1 December 2010


His metamorphosis contains the very mystery of sleep:
the outline of a fluidity, the look, sign, and gesture of evanescence
with the charm and virtue of presence
– Jean-Luc Nancy


Technicolour dreaming
leads me here again an era
of corrosive sleep, caustic
left malnourished and dug in.


7am in salty beach rain
a pale leavening moon, a summer
I got dragged into
by the weight of tides: time


Sun hero, laconic heart –
strong and decent to women.
Your matter-of-factness a barbed spool
that lives inside me now
and unwinds and unwinds and unwinds


Phraseology ill or broke, memory’s
coarse mark cordons my chest with
silvery thread
the brevity line of the sky sea horizon


I say, hold my hand into a million pixels good
rain sizzles to the ground don’t you think?
If I keep on descending with you
will I exhale forever? My own mutiny…




Dark cinema dreams of you
leaning in for an onscreen kiss:
you say something, there is a shadow at the door
you say something, there is a shadow at the door.

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