from Conglomerates

By | 1 August 2018

Myself I saw the first tender shoots of Gehry
thumbnails planted two-and-a-half blocks from
the beach, Sydney Eastern Standard Time.
That good ideas pitch us forward
is a mid-week provocation. This good idea makes
the same old view newly visible, think high relief,
imaginative, if not imaginable. For example
my tech friends pose like honest grammarians
and yet the tinselled evenings lapse. All the heavy
furniture can be scrubbed back and sold on.
Just leave a cyclamen for me at the reception desk.
Give a thought for other sprung apart things.
The network signal is too bad. I heard about a
to-and-fro, that the people in question
are a phenomenon. And I saw the striking close-up.
Some would argue we’re in the midst of a tactical
rainstorm, given the changeable
definition of a rainstorm. But when will it rain?
I’m not blameless. The reception desk
is overflowing with cyclamen. Have you ever
attended a worse party. I didn’t anticipate it.
There aren’t any crisps. That person in the corner,
we started out as neighbours and were close for a
time. Now we signal nonsense from across the park.
The park represents absolute finitude. It’s a sticky
place; the infant years, childhood, adulthood
– no matter what, this park has problems.
Sydney Eastern Standard. I figured that one out.
It’s the conclusion of a novel I’ve already
decimated. My novel about venue closures.
But the people around me are looking
more and more spirited, is it about posture.
They move in a silent figure-eight. What kind of
party. I’m fearful of nearly every decision, so
I’ve altogether stopped opening my windows.
That’s personal. Day and night. Myself, I. Let’s talk:
Say I Do Say Yes, will I need to supply and carry
my own bricks? I can heat up the bean mix. Leave
a cyclamen at the doorstep if there isn’t any room.
After the heavy furniture get rid of the lighter
items – table settings, cushions – especially get rid
of what’s bulky. Please Forgive My No,
if it happens. I’m a maniac. That bulk seriously
contributes – rid yourself of bedspreads, yoga mats
– and really, all of your linen. What would you
do now with a word like honesty? There aren’t any
crisps. I’ll Probably Say Yes. I’d keep the wardrobe
pieces that can be worn in multiple configurations,
like inside-out or back-to-front, or across seasons.
It’s very good to plant out the seedlings, look how
cramped the roots. Next time. That’s something
I know about. Look how colourful the salad. Look
how sequined the view. Look how dynamic they are
as a couple. Look at that little dog running.
I can fill you in about everything.
Don’t think I’m so sensitive as to have not, or never.

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