A Little Rain

By | 31 October 2012

The hot spell broke last night
Today, light showers, not even enough
to damp down the sandy dust in the front yard

But just the sight of rain slanting earthwards
seen from under a café awning, lifts the spirits, germinates
resolutions: baking, planting, travelling

I bake pecan bread, cosset the rebel oven
the loaves look fine. Bougainvillea scales the front wall
making a saffron backdrop for birds, a shrill type – wattle?

We continue with Schuyler’s letters, having finished Padgett’s
Life of Joe Brainard. To Joe, Jimmy writes: ‘So in England
weight is still given in “stones” … So the English are much more

stoned than we … Some day Uncle Wiggily will tell you all about
rods and poods, though it may not be for a score of years.’
Smashing to get a letter from Wiggily – or any letter

one with a stamp, and someone’s witticisms, not gonna happen
a long-stay guest at Great Spruce Head Island, Schuyler
hung out for ‘the mailboat’ – more romantic still

a baroque concert this afternoon, very Jim, & home to French paperbacks
another of his loves, stacked in the kitchen, saved from Georgie’s toss-pile
Duras, Hugo, Georges Sand, from her French course, Newcastle, in the 80s

Les grands marées, the high tides; Un barrage contre le pacifique
two watery titles. On the Duras cover, a painting, tidal flats and grasses
grey low water. ‘L’année suivante, la petite partie des barrages

qui avait tenu s’était à son tour écroulée.’ Jim’s last year to the letter.
Odd one out in the stack is Herb Gardening, Clare Loewenfeld. ‘Sometimes
lemon balm shoots up very early in spring, if there is a warm spell’

There was! It did!

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