Cordite Poetry Review

Transparent Things

The Travelling Poet He said he was a travelling poet, once, but hadn’t written for years. He’d taken up truck driving because it made sense, providing transportation and raw material in one hit. But things didn’t go as well as …

Cordite Poetry Review

No, the System Did Not Work For Me

I landed among delusion, with a lag and a dogsbody. I was hauled within a millimetre of someone’s brown balaclava. I was a deb in line with a litre of jackpots holding a new key and a gypsy. I blundered …

Cordite Poetry Review

Hindley Reverie

A lunch poem Perhaps everyone drives round these blocks forever as cafes get lost in the trawl of Hindley Street these blocks, just to see something happen. ‘Adelaide’s No.1 Party Venue’, a kind of inroad or airborne, the sound, lonely …

Cordite Poetry Review

From Here On

plans go diligently to seed salt / pepper sky press timelapse off bring their plans to seed still functioning organs night comes on you do something to or with it print download email a thermal they’re called clouds clanging brain …

Cordite Poetry Review

Trick Light

regard jusqu’à set posture to be admired for le something the empty place where succulents were where wallpaper was intentional ly harbouring we go build le quelquething ubud harbour alarm has a plume held a signal climbs slides against across …

Cordite Poetry Review

Notebook Poems I-IV

I e-mail to the deep breaths department five goodberries unsampled the river brackish,         or perhaps actual bracken (slides around us) like koi, not good eating first taste of real life exclusion                 in small gloves                 couldn’t read the sandlewood fan codex …

Cordite Poetry Review

A Little Rain

The hot spell broke last night Today, light showers, not even enough to damp down the sandy dust in the front yard But just the sight of rain slanting earthwards seen from under a café awning, lifts the spirits, germinates …

Cordite Poetry Review

Charge Nurse

depth-charge migraine aftershock bouncing side to side in brain-pan Pola knows this is no ordinary lie-down I hear her clip up the passage into the room stop beside me to lick my fingers where they dangle from under the covers …

Cordite Poetry Review

Dressed in Yella

My voice-reading facility kicks in as I listen to the recording with forensic precision it deciphers her answering-machine message one part frightened, two parts breathless My sister sounds harried, almost asthmatic and that’s her work voice Oh dear. I’m too …

Cordite Poetry Review

Ten Zen Poems

a bird in the garden below – the fan spread as it put to wing ______________________ a kangaroo bounds silently across the far end of the field a penny in motion ______________________ a single-syllable bird call shadow waves ripple across …

Cordite Poetry Review

Night Works

moon where do you come from? a half slice of orange about to be dunked in a chocolate sea you are always there moon behind midnight clouds I come outside to listen to the wind in the trees but find …

Cordite Poetry Review


In the beginning, sometimes, I wrote “I love you” in the street. I dipped my finger in a puddle and wrote you a love letter, of sorts. Although I don’t believe you ever got to read it. The I evaporated …

Cordite Poetry Review

The Lives of the Writers, their Vicissitudes, Proclivities, Highs and Lows

CHRISTINE COLLINS is sometimes seen as almost an interface between Bruce Nauman and Christine Brooke-Rose, a troubling entity to conjure with—and an eagerly awaited presence should it ever manifest itself. Early in her life Collins featured in Let Numan Write …

Cordite Poetry Review

I May Have to See You Again, Charlie

Dear Teri I am not really in love with Charlie, but I think I am obsessed, but I can’t say it is entirely pleasurable It is not like wine or chocolate It is more like picking off skin after a …

Cordite Poetry Review

What’s the frequency, Kenneth?

a revhead full of vodka slushies, fading bling, the schlock of the old. just don’t hand over the car keys. sampling a fizz of schweppervescence I think of us, you and me, our lifetime lack of fancy salaries. on a …

Cordite Poetry Review

More than a feuilleton

the experienced world hasn’t been the world itself for a long time now & now we want to see the world as we want it to be * who’s speaking, saying this about the ‘world’? what ‘world’? * a cute …

Cordite Poetry Review

Bin Ends

It says here that Tony Baker makes ‘sounds across the range from free improvisation to rustic guinguette à la moules frites’. Refried boogie Tony? * Mohair her suit hirsute * nobody ever talks of their ‘wasted middle age’ * Headers …
