Jonathan Ball, Ryan Fitzpatrick and Jay Millar: Ex Machina and the Creative Commons

1 August 2010

About the authors

Jonathan Ball holds a Ph.D. in English (Calgary) with a focus in Creative Writing and Canadian Literature. He is the author of one previous book of poetry, Ex Machina (BookThug, 2009), and the forthcoming Clockfire (Coach House Books, 2010). His writing has appeared in publications across Canada and in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia, including Etchings, The Believer, and Harper’s. He also writes the humour column “Haiku Horoscopes.” He is the former editor of dandelion and the former short films programmer of the Gimli Film Festival. His short film Spoony B (Martian Embassy Films, 2005) has appeared on The Comedy Network, and he co-wrote a screenplay that served as the basis for the independent feature film Snake River (Ronin Films, 2010). He teaches as a Sessional Instructor at the University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg in Canada. Visit Jonathan online at

ryan fitzpatrick lives and writes in Calgary. He is the author of Fake Math (Snare Books, 2007). His current projects include Commissioned Works, a sequence of poems determined in content and form by members of the community at large, and Field Guide, a sequence of poems exploring notions of extinction and ecological disaster.

Jay MillAr is a Toronto poet, editor, publisher, teacher and virtual bookseller. He is the author of several books, the most recent of which are esp : accumulation sonnets (2009) and Other Poems (2010). He is also the author of several privately published editions, such as Lack Lyrics, which tied to win the 2008 bpNichol Chapbook Award. Millar is the shadowy figure behind BookThug, a publishing house dedicated to exploratory work by well-known and emerging North American writers, as well as Apollinaire’s Bookshoppe, a virtual bookstore that specializes in the books that no one wants to buy. Currently Jay teaches creative writing and poetics at George Brown College and Toronto New School of Writing.

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One Response to Jonathan Ball, Ryan Fitzpatrick and Jay Millar: Ex Machina and the Creative Commons

  1. Pingback: Cordite Poetry Review: Ex Machina and the Creative Commons (with Remixes) – Jonathan Ball, PhD