Workplace Injury Compensation Form

By | 18 June 2017

Member took long service leave 2014. Member not paid all LSL. M was clocked into work by previous member. Previous member was member of alternate union. Alternate union clocked in M day before LSL granted. New employer

Details captured by M’s husband at third party. Party details contracted to staff on ABNs. ABNS provided to security staff not groundskeepers. Groundskeeper positions terminated

Server down as of 14/05. 5 July M contacted employer. M claims to have unclaimed M. Letters of response & repudiation lodged & read / ignored longingly

In March new harassment claim interviewed. Hired. Claimed to be salaried casuals. Referred to existence of enterprise agreement / M’s not on the EA. M is collective termination form

Union table by the bolognese stand. Complaints re. bolognese collected

Rally to meet at 6pm & staffed. Security members policing the rally. Ms are advised to leave premises / unflagged solidarity action. Not all information collected

Babies born 10 August. M on personal leave. Two new numbers collected

Bullying claims RSL. Workers have lost fair carparks. Drunk manager stalks one carpark. Request for 11am organiser. Meet outside in carpark

Ms double back DD & credit claims. Resignation’s new-member information

ABC mice-in-the-vents reporting. Report dodges issue of mining. Compiled under duress circumstances. Tax-dodging undermines reporting

Fatigue is an open claim form. Labour’s a pre-heated cell. Renovated media shells call temp workers into State Gov controversy

Were on 457s when the news broke. We ate our cash in hand at the shops. Shops closed when the city restructured / fractured

Gaming machines offer second-hand smoke replies. Defibrillators burst the tables

Legislation’s expected September. Unpaid wages hold court. You & yours are a family. The piecework system’s a furphy

One jellied hand in a packet. Claim form’s summaried pill jar. The telly is speaking to me in a way that I’m hungry / my son’s most night at his girlfriend’s

I’m only 54 and a doorstop. Have been offered the paid retraining. Have retracted my membership offer. Have 10 days left to re-apply

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