Daniel East

Daniel East is an Australian writer currently teaching English in South Korea. If elected, he vows to turn every free citizen into wireless beams of energy, capable of reaching the furthest stars in mere seconds. Also, icecream.

What the Job Is: Notes on Racism and the Cultural Divide

My plan to start teaching phonetics in my Korean English class actually germinated in Nepal. I began to notice signs similar to ones I had seen in Korea, toting the English language as a kind of educational panacea. I found myself wondering if the modern world was engaged in a cultural war, an effort to arm itself with my mother tongue. A policy of Mutually Assured Comprehension.

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Lessons in Ideational/Propositional Meaning Theories

That is that though the is is the that though. That is the, though that is though, the is that, the and though though though is that. Is that that and that? That though is the The. The is the …

Posted in 40: CREATIVE COMMONS | Tagged

Infinite Interiors (scene from "Orbital Brides")

A red door larger than the house entire, slightly ajar; hand upon the door, a corridor not attached to the frame. Interior. You enter the house but as an actor. Before you in the grey corridor three brass picture frames. …

Posted in 40: CREATIVE COMMONS |