Sweet Potato

By | 1 October 2015

My housemate was like, here’s some roasted sweet potato,
that’s your treat. My colleague
took my jellybeans onto her desk. She used to do
rollerskating when she was little. Her Dad’s
so fit. I’m trying to be good. I love Nutella,
and I’m doing hydrotherapy now. You know,
I think about it as, there’s two, three meals
each week, it’s whatever, totally free, and I don’t feel
guilty or anything. I went on a massive
health kick, it’s completely normal.
At the time I felt so good, I’m so reversed now.
I get motivated when I lose as well. My Mum
loves Curves, it’s really working for her.
My cereals had lots of sugar in them, so
now I just eat eggs. Consistency is the main thing.
I had to think about the things I really love.
Guys are better at it. I’m catching up with my boyfriend,
he’s a personal trainer, this afternoon.
You’ve got to listen to your body,
really listen.

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